NTP Project, cs460 Scheduling System for Non-Traditional Programs
The root directory of this project will be referred to as $PROJECT_ROOT.
All documentation is in $PROJECT_ROOT/project-docs:
- contains All deliverables and hand-ins, including the final paper, in Pages, Word and PDF format.
- contains files handed out by Professor Dawkins
- contains OmniGraffle and PDF versions of the project timeline and plan.
All source code is in $PROJECT_ROOT/src: NTP Server: src/main - root of NTP Server code. src/main/java - all java code for the project. src/main/resources - all resources for this project, including jar files. src/main/resources/properties - properties files src/main/resources/static_content - HTML, CSS, Javascript files for the HTTP server. src/main/resources/scripts - scripts for execution. src/main/resource-src - source code for library jars
Monitor Application: src/monitor - root of Monitor code src/monitor/java - Monitor app source code src/monitor/resources - jar files for libraries src/monitor/resources/properties - properties for app src/monitor/resources/scripts - scripts for execution
$PROJECT_ROOT/build.xml is the ant script - running it without arguments will give you a list of targets.