An API server and its web application dedicated to reselling board games through auctions and bidding, done for a school project at EPSI Bordeaux.
Client: React, Bootstrap
Server: Api-Platform, Symfony
- A full featured API with authentification by JWT tokens.
- A demonstration front web application.
The API documentation is available on the Swagger API page of the application (see Run Locally for more informations).
Here's our E/R diagram (made with :
❗ You can't run this project without the keys needed for authentification
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd BidGames
Install dependencies after installing yarn
composer u --ignore-platform-reqs && composer i && yarn && yarn build
Then start a terminal for each commands
php -S localhost:8080 -t public
yarn run encore dev --watch
Now you can go on your browser and type :
- http://localhost:8080/api to get to the API documentation.
- http://localhost:8080/app to get to the application website.