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rtd document the cf_restripe application
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burlen committed Apr 26, 2021
1 parent 0f7f004 commit 4524321
Showing 1 changed file with 199 additions and 0 deletions.
199 changes: 199 additions & 0 deletions doc/rtd/applications.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ batch script rather than in your shell.
| :ref:`teca_event_filter` | Select TC tracks using run time provided |
| | expressions |
| :ref:`teca_cf_restripe` | Convert the internal layout of a dataset on disk |
| | with optional subsetting and/or regridding. |

Applying the Command Line Applications at Scale
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2698,3 +2701,199 @@ Examples
This example converts a table stored in TECA's binary format to NetCDF. To covnert
to CSV instead one would change the extension from *.nc* to *.csv*.

.. _teca_cf_restripe:


The `teca_cf_restripe` application was written to test TECA's parallel
collective I/O capabilities. It can be used to change the internal organization
of the files comprising a dataset. For instance one can convert a dataset where
each file stores a single day's worth of data to one where each file stores a
month's worth of data, a year's worth of data, or a fixed number of time steps.
The application can be used to subset a dataset in either space and time,
extracting a reduced sized selection of interest. It can also be used to
spatially regrid a dataset onto a Cartesian mesh of user supplied bounds and
extents. The regridding feature can be used to slice a 3D dataset in
preparation for GFDL TC tracker which requires 2D slices at specified vertical
pressure levels.

A NetCDF CF dataset.

A copy of the input NetCDF data, potentially reorganized on disk, and/or subset
in space and time, and/or spatially regridded.

Command Line Options

--input_file arg
a teca_multi_cf_reader configuration file identifying the set of NetCDF CF2 files to process.
When present data is read using the teca_multi_cf_reader. Use one of either --input_file or

--input_regex arg
a teca_cf_reader regex identifying the set of NetCDF CF2 files to process. When present data is
read using the teca_cf_reader. Use one of either --input_file or --input_regex.

--x_axis_variable arg
name of x coordinate variable (lon)

--y_axis_variable arg
name of y coordinate variable (lat)

--z_axis_variable arg
name of z coordinate variable (plev)

--point_arrays arg
A list of point centered arrays to write

--information_arrays arg
A list of non-geometric arrays to write

--output_file arg
A path and file name pattern for the output NetCDF files. %t% is replaced with a human readable
date and time corresponding to the time of the first time step in the file. Use
--cf_writer::date_format to change the formatting

--file_layout arg (=monthly)
Selects the size and layout of the set of output files. May be one of number_of_steps, daily,
monthly, seasonal, or yearly. Files are structured such that each file contains one of the
selected interval. For the number_of_steps option use --steps_per_file.

--steps_per_file arg
The number of time steps per output file when --file_layout number_of_steps is specified.

Enable coordinate normalization pipeline stage

Enable mesh regridding pipeline stage. When enabled requires --dims to be provided

--dims arg
A 3-tuple of values specifying the mesh size of the output dataset in the x, y, and z
dimensions. The accepted format for dimensions is: nx ny nz

--bounds arg
A hex-tuple of low and high values specifying lon lat lev bounding box to subset the input
dataset with. The accepted format for bounds is: x0 x1 y0 y1 z0 z1

Enable variable renaming stage

--original_name arg
A list of variables to rename. Use --new_name to set the new names

--new_name arg
The new names to use when renaming variables. Use --original_name to set the list of variables
to rename

--first_step arg
first time step to process

--last_step arg
last time step to process

--start_date arg
first time to proces in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format

--end_date arg
first time to proces in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format

--n_threads arg
Sets the thread pool size on each MPI rank. When the default value of -1 is used TECA will
coordinate the thread pools across ranks such each thread is bound to a unique physical core.

enable extra terminal output

displays documentation for application specific command line options

displays documentation for algorithm specific command line options

displays both basic and advanced documentation together


.. _slicing_3d_data:

Slicing 3D CMIP6 Data

This example shows how to regrid 3D data onto run time specified 2D slices at
the pressure levels needed for the GFDL TC tracker. In this CMIP6 dataset seal
level pressure and surface winds are on a 2D Cartesian mesh but atmospheric
wind speed, temperature, and geopotential height are on a 3D Cartesian mesh. In
order to run the GFDL TC tracker we'll need to compute the following slices:
850 mB wind vector, 500 and 200 mB air temperature, 1000 and 200 mB
geopotential height. The input dataset spans 65 years at 6 hourly, 1/2 degree
resolution. There are a total of 94964 time steps to process. The following
script illustrates computing the slices using 1024 compute nodes and 4096 MPI

.. code-block:: bash
#SBATCH -C knl
#SBATCH -N 1024
#SBATCH -q regular
#SBATCH -t 04:00:00
#SBATCH -A m1517
#SBATCH -J 2_slice_data
# load gcc
module swap PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu
# bring a TECA install into your environment.
module use /global/common/software/m1517/teca/develop/modulefiles
module load teca
# run with 4 MPI ranks per node
let nn=${NN}*4
# store the output data here
mkdir ${data_root_out}
# get the input data here
# slice the following variables on the following pressure levels (in millibar)
var_in=(ua va ta ta zg zg)
plev_mb=(850 850 200 500 200 924)
let n=${#var_in[@]}-1
for i in `seq 0 $n`
# convert from millbar to Pascals
let plev_pa=${plev_mb[${i}]}*100
echo "====================================================="
echo "slicing ${var_in[${i}]} at ${plev_pa} into ${var_out}"
echo "====================================================="
rm -rf "${data_root_out}/${var_out}"
mkdir -p "${data_root_out}/${var_out}"
time srun -n ${nn} -N ${NN} \
teca_cf_restripe \
--input_regex "${data_root_in}/${var_in[${i}]}/gr/v20170915/${var_in[${i}]}_${regex_in}" \
--z_axis_variable plev --regrid --dims 720 361 1 --bounds 0 359.5 -90 90 ${plev_pa} ${plev_pa} \
--rename --original_name ${var_in[${i}]} --new_name ${var_out} \
--output_file "${data_root_out}/${var_out}/${var_out}" \
--point_arrays ${var_out} --file_layout monthly

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