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Releases: LBMC/RAPToR


29 Mar 11:04
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Please also update reference data-packages to their latest version to work with this version of RAPToR

  • Introduced a reference (ref) object and corresponding make_ref() and print functions. ref objects to
    • make reference-building more direct, from a geim object,
    • simplify the age estimation call (now simply ae(samp, ref)),
    • store reference metadata (such as the reference time unit) for use in subsequent plotting/printing.
  • Updated ae object printing to include reference metadata when available.
  • Optimized ae bootstrap correlation (>2x faster)
  • Rewrote ae plotting function to
    • display bootstrap estimates by default.
    • include reference time units when available.
    • fix ae plotting graphics bug (larger first plot with overlayed and missing elements) when displaying multiple plots side by side.
    • add sample label control (truncate, adjust margin space)
    • cover more parameter edge cases
  • Updated geim printing to include reference metadata when available.
  • Added functions to compare log-fold-changes between sample groups to a reference and quantify the impact of development on differential expression analysis.
    • ref_compare() gets matching reference time points to the samples and compares logFCs between given sample groups, and between matching reference time points (giving an estimate of development logFCs between groups).
    • get_logFC() extracts sample and reference logFCs between specified groups from the output of ref_compare().
  • Renamed to plot_cor().
  • Removed deprecated plotting function for df_CV
  • Updated vignette documentation:
    • Added a vignette on correcting DE analysis for development vignette("RAPToR-DEcorrection")
    • Updated vignette sections related to reference-building with the new objects.
    • Added a reference-building section and example for aging references
    • Re-formatted vignettes with Bioconductor style
    • Added PDF versions of all vignettes (index entries with -pdf, e.g. vignette("RAPToR-pdf"))