*** Copyright Notice ***
Firm Synthesizer and Supply-chain Simulator (SynthFirm) Copyright (c) 2024, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
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A quick overview of running SynthFirm for a selected region
Contact: Xiaodan Xu, Ph.D. (XiaodanXu@lbl.gov)
Updates (Aug 14, 2023): documented synthetic firm, producer and consumer generation
Updates (Aug 22, 2023): documented B2B flow generation
Updates (Aug 29, 2023): added firm generation into SynthFirm pipeline and uploaded input data
Updates (Oct 14, 2024): update documentation to reflect V2.0 improvements
- Please refer to this input generation guide to prepare inputs for selected region
- Following instructions to prepare inputs needed for the selected region, or use pre-generated input files under input_data
- Pre-generated baseline inputs from San Francisco Bay Area
- Pre-generated baseline inputs from Austin Region
- Pre-generated baseline inputs from Seattle Region
- Make sure Python3 is accessible through bash. You can check the status of Python using the following scripts:
Python3 --version
- Define input path and files under the Python configure file, with current inputs set up for San Francisco Bay Area
Fill in project information following this example:
[ENVIRONMENT] file_path = /Users/xiaodanxu/Documents/SynthFirm.nosync # path to project data scenario_name = BayArea # scenario name, must be consistent with input generation to allow for models searching for the I-O paths out_scenario_name = BayArea # scenario name for output, can be different from input scenario name, but must be consistent with firm generation configs parameter_path = SynthFirm_parameters # parameter directory region_code = 62, 64, 65, 69 # list of FAF zone from the study region, for more information about the zonal id, please reference this guide: https://faf.ornl.gov/faf5/data/FAF5%20User%20Guide.pdf number_of_processes = 2 # number of cores to be used for parallel computing, zero means all the available cores
Select the modules that are needed (must complete all of them in the following order, but can run one module at a time):
enable_firm_generation = yes enable_producer_consumer_generation = no enable_demand_forecast = no # this is an optional step for demand forecast enable_firm_loc_generation = no enable_supplier_selection = no enable_size_generation = no enable_mode_choice = no enable_post_analysis = no enable_fleet_generation = no enable_international_flow = no # this is an optional step for international demand generation
Fill in the input file names:
[INPUTS] # below are mandatory inputs cbp_file = data_emp_cbp_imputed.csv mzemp_file = data_mesozone_emprankings.csv mesozone_to_faf_file = zonal_id_lookup_final.csv mode_choice_param_file = freight_mode_choice_parameter.csv spatial_boundary_file_fileend = _freight.geojson # below are optional international shipment inputs regional_import_file = FAF_regional_import.csv regional_export_file = FAF_regional_export.csv port_level_import_file = port_level_import.csv port_level_export_file = port_level_export.csv need_domestic_adjustment = yes # optional zonal inputs when there is a need to reallocate destinations location_from = 61, 63 location_to = 62, 64, 65, 69 int_mode_choice_file = freight_mode_choice_4alt_international_sfbcal.csv
Fill in the parameter file names:
[PARAMETERS] c_n6_n6io_sctg_file = corresp_naics6_n6io_sctg_revised.csv employment_per_firm_file = employment_by_firm_size_naics.csv employment_per_firm_gapfill_file = employment_by_firm_size_gapfill.csv BEA_io_2017_file = data_2017io_revised_USE_value_added.csv agg_unit_cost_file = data_unitcost_cfs2017.csv prod_by_zone_file = producer_value_fraction_by_faf.csv cons_by_zone_file = consumer_value_fraction_by_faf.csv shipment_by_distance_bin_file = fraction_of_shipment_by_distance_bin.csv shipment_distance_lookup_file = CFS2017_routed_distance_matrix.csv cost_by_location_file = data_unitcost_by_zone_cfs2017.csv cfs_to_faf_file = CFS_FAF_LOOKUP.csv max_load_per_shipment_file = max_load_per_shipment_80percent.csv sctg_group_file = SCTG_Groups_revised.csv supplier_selection_param_file = supplier_selection_parameter.csv distance_travel_skim_file = combined_travel_time_skim.csv # optional paramter for international shipments int_shipment_size_file = international_shipment_size.csv sctg_by_port_file = commodity_to_port_constraint.csv
Fill in the output file names:
[OUTPUTS] synthetic_firms_no_location_file = synthetic_firms.csv io_summary_file = io_summary_revised.csv wholesaler_file = synthetic_wholesaler.csv producer_by_sctg_filehead = prods_sctg io_filtered_file = data_2017io_filtered.csv producer_file = synthetic_producers.csv consumer_file = synthetic_consumers.csv sample_consumer_file = sample_synthetic_consumers.csv consumer_by_sctg_filehead = consumers_sctg synthetic_firms_with_location_file = synthetic_firms_with_location.csv zonal_output_fileend = _freight_no_island.geojson import_od = import_od.csv export_od = export_od.csv # below are optional international shipment outputs import_mode_file = import_OD_with_mode.csv export_mode_file = export_OD_with_mode.csv export_with_firm_file = export_OD_with_seller.csv import_with_firm_file = import_OD_with_buyer.csv
For mode choice model, the cost inputs can be adjusted under this section (in 2017 dollar):
[MC_CONSTANTS] rail_unit_cost_per_tonmile = 0.039 rail_min_cost = 200 air_unit_cost_per_lb = 1.08 air_min_cost = 55 truck_unit_cost_per_tonmile_sm = 2.83 truck_unit_cost_per_tonmile_md = 0.5 truck_unit_cost_per_tonmile_lg = 0.18 truck_min_cost = 10 parcel_cost_coeff_a = 3.58 parcel_cost_coeff_b = 0.015 parcel_max_cost = 1000
For fleet generation, you can also configure the scenarios here (currently under revision and subject to change in V3.0):
[FLEET_IO] private_fleet_file = fleet/CA_private_fleet_size_distribution.csv for_hire_fleet_file = fleet/CA_for_hire_fleet_size_distribution.csv for_lease_fleet_file = fleet/CA_for_lease_fleet_size_distribution.csv cargo_type_distribution_file = fleet/probability_of_cargo_group.csv state_fips_lookup_file = us-state-ansi-fips.csv fleet_year = 2018 fleet_name = Ref_highp6 national_fleet_composition_file = TDA_vehicle_stock.csv vehicle_type_by_state_file = fleet_composition_by_state.csv ev_availability_file = EV_availability.csv firms_with_fleet_file = synthetic_firms_with_fleet.csv carriers_with_fleet_file = synthetic_carriers.csv leasing_with_fleet_file = synthetic_leasing_company.csv firms_with_fleet_mc_adj_files = synthetic_firms_with_fleet_mc_adjusted.csv
For demand forecast scenario setup, please follow this Seattle template
Finish preparing configure file!
Run selected SynthFirm modules:
Open system Terminal/Shell, change directory to where the SynthFirm tool is located
Run SynthFirm model:
python SynthFirm_run.py --config 'SynthFirm.conf'
Check output following the prompt on screen
You are done, cheers!