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Important announcement

DiSH (python) and DiSHLoader are reaching End Of Life (EOL). They are currently being replaced by DiSH.cs, and will get discontinued and archived once the transition is done.

The new way of installing and loading DiSH


For now, precompiled releases are not available in alpha stage, but you can use releases from actions


You'll need Visual Studio 2022 with the .NET desktop development workflow and git.

  1. Open the repo in visual studio, by cloning it with VS "Open Repository"
  2. Build the projects. The first time, it may take a while.
  3. You can now configure DiSH Core


DiSH Loader needs manual configuration for now. To have a working envoirnement, you need to:

  1. Create a folder in %appdata% with the following directory tree:
  1. Get a working DiSH installation, by downloading a release >= v11.0 on the DiSH repo
  2. Open regedit.exe and go to Compuer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE. Create a key with the following tree:
  1. Create a string key called DefaultVersion, with the content of the release name you downloaded (without the v). For example, v11.0 will be DefaultVersion = 11.0
  2. Return to %APPDATA%\ROAMING\LDevs\DiSHLoader\versions and create a folder with the same name as the content of the DefaultVersion key
  3. Copy all the contents of the folder DiSH-Windows of the archive you downloaded from DiSH releases
  4. Create a Discord bot and copy its token.
  5. Enable ALL INTENTS in the Discord bot developer portal
  6. Create a new discord server or use one you already have
  7. Invite there your new bot
  8. Create:
  • A category
  • A channel for the logs
  • A channel for global commands
  1. Create a file named .env in %APPDATA%\ROAMING\LDevs\DiSHLoader\ and fill it with
TOKEN=(your discord bot token)
GUILD_ID=(your discord server ID)
CATEGORY_ID=(your category ID)
LOGS_ID=(your logs channel ID)
GLOBAL_ID=(your global channel ID)
OWNER_IDS=ownerid1,ownerid2,ownerid3 (at least one must be specified. People specified in the owner IDs can use jishaku)

How this works


The following explaination is pretty technical, and is only used to better explain the badly-documented code in the projects



TL;DR: the code is contained in Program.cs in the DiSHLoader folder. Its use is loading DiSH and making sure it does not crash

  • the logMessages function, logs messages from DiSHCore, used below.
  • The program gets the path to %appdata%
  • The program gets the basic keys:
    • the path to the .env file (with %appdata%\LDevs\DiSHLoader\.env as default)
    • the default version (required, no default)
    • the path to the versions folder (with %appdata%\LDevs\DiSHLoader\versions as default)
  • The program loads the .env file specified by the registry key mentioned above
  • The program creates the start info for DiSH. It provides only the path to the executable. It is derived by: [versions path]\[default version name]\DiSH.exe
  • The program starts DiSH
  • The program waits for DiSH to exit and saves the exit codeto a variable
  • It then uses a switch to determine what caused DiSH to exit.
    • Code 0: do nothing - DiSH probably exited on its own
    • Code 2: restart the program - this is used by DiSH to indicate a change in the configuration (still not implemented) and therefore the requirement to restart th program with new configuration data
    • Code 1: DiSH crashed. Start DiSHCore (see below)



TL;DR It works similarly to the main DiSH repo, which is better documented, check that one out for now :)