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Planned workshops

John Cremona edited this page Nov 17, 2016 · 3 revisions

Larger workshops and conferences

  • 2017 Warwick: Bianchi modular forms and Galois representations, Warwick (Cremona, Sengun, Page, Mascot)

  • 2018 Bristol: 1. function fields 2. RH

  • 2019 Warwick (March / April) big closing conference for LMF grant. Possible dates: weeks beginning 18 March, 25 March, 1 April, 8 April.

Smaller workshops (up to 6 people)


  • The Sarnak rigidity conjecture, Jan 16 - 20, 2017; Booker, Lee:
  • Genus 3 curves, March 27 - 31, 2017, Bristol. Booker, Dokchitser, Sijsling, Sutherland
  • Hypergeometric Motives, ICTP summer 2017 (Jones, Roberts, Rodriguez-Vilegas + ?)
  • Iwasawa invariants of elliptic curves (Cremona, Pollack); 12-14 December 2016


  • Weight 1 modular forms and Galois representations (Bober, Booker, Jones, Lee, Roberts, +?); early 2017
  • Theta functions and lattices: Haensch, Ehlen, Swisher, Anni. (+?)
  • Mod l Galois Representations (Anni, Mascot, P Bruin +?)
  • Zeros of degree 1 and 2 L-functions
  • Hecke characters
  • Eisenstein series
  • Symmetric squares for all modular forms
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