Search for two boosted (high transverse momentum) Higgs bosons (H) decaying to two beauty quarks (b) and two tau leptons.
First, create a virtual environment (micromamba
is recommended):
# Clone the repository
git clone --recursive
cd bbtautau
# Download the micromamba setup script (change if needed for your machine
# Install: (the micromamba directory can end up taking O(1-10GB) so make sure the directory you're using allows that quota)
"${SHELL}" <(curl -L
# You may need to restart your shell
micromamba env create -f environment.yaml
micromamba activate hh
Remember to install this in your mamba environment.
# Clone the repsitory as above if you haven't already
# Perform an editable installation
pip install -e .
# for committing to the repository
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
# Install as well the common HH utilities
cd boostedhh
pip install -e .
cd ..
If your default
in your environment is not Python 3, make sure to usepip3
commands instead. -
You may also need to upgrade
to perform the editable installation:
python3 -m pip install -e .
For submitting to condor, all you need is python >= 3.7.
For running locally, follow the same virtual environment setup instructions
above and install coffea
micromamba activate hh
pip install coffea
Clone the repository:
git clone
pip install -e .
For testing, e.g.:
python src/ --samples HHbbtt --subsamples GluGlutoHHto2B2Tau_kl-1p00_kt-1p00_c2-0p00_LHEweights_TuneCP5_13p6TeV_powheg-pythia8 --starti 0 --endi 1 --year 2022 --processor skimmer
A single sample / subsample:
python src/condor/ --analysis bbtautau --git-branch BRANCH-NAME --site ucsd --save-sites ucsd lpc --processor skimmer --samples HHbbtt --subsamples GluGlutoHHto2B2Tau_kl-1p00_kt-1p00_c2-0p00_LHEweights_TuneCP5_13p6TeV_powheg-pythia8 --files-per-job 5 --tag 24Nov7Signal --submit
Set up Rucio following the Twiki. Then:
rucio add-rule cms:/Tau/Run2022F-22Sep2023-v1/MINIAOD 1 T1_US_FNAL_Disk --activity "User AutoApprove" --lifetime 15552000 --ask-approval