- Tabular representation of data from CSV file
- Edit and add data
- Visualize data with a Pie-Chart
- Upload & Download CSV file.
- TypeScript / Vue.js 3
- PHP / Laravel 9
- Vite
- 3rd Party Libraries: Chart.js, Fontawesome
Run it with Docker:
- git clone git@github.com:LPF33/laravel-vue-csv-app.git
- Docker build & run
Or following components must be installed locally:
$ git clone git@github.com:LPF33/laravel-vue-csv-app.git
$ cd laravel-vue-csv-app
$ npm install
$ composer install
$ composer run-script post-root-package-install & composer run-script post-create-project-cmd
$ npm run build
$ php artisan serve
$ php artisan serve
$ npm run dev
- Backend Laravel Pint
- Frontend Eslint
$ composer run-script lint
$ npm run lint
- Procfile for Apache Server (web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public/)
- In .env for Laravel/Vite Custom Base URLs: ASSET_URL=https://example.com
- Application Key for Laravel in .env
- Install Laravel 9
- Install npm Dependencies
- Install Vue 3 (in folder resources/js lives your Vue App)
npm install vue@next vue-loader@next
- Install Vite Plugin and set vite.config.js
- Connect Laravel blade file and use vite directive to add assets
- Start development servers
- Web: In folder routes/web.php
- "/" (GET)
- "/csv/read" (GET)
- "/csv/write" (POST)
- "/csv/add" (POST)
- "/csv/upload" (POST)
- "/csv/export" (GET)