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yymao authored Feb 24, 2018
2 parents 1d9f445 + ded0cf1 commit d19f32a
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Showing 25 changed files with 1,745 additions and 121 deletions.
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion .travis.yml
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Expand Up @@ -6,12 +6,18 @@ python:
- "2.7"
- "3.6"

before_install: # camb requires gfortran to be at least gfortran-4.9
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y
- sudo apt-get update -qq
- sudo apt-get install gfortran-4.9 -y
- sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gfortran-4.9 /usr/bin/gfortran

- pip install .[full]
- pip install pylint nose

- export CHANGED=$(git diff --name-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | grep '^\(descqa.*\|tests\)/.\+\.py$')
- export CHANGED=$(git diff --diff-filter=d --name-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | grep '^\(descqa.*\|tests\)/.\+\.py$')

- nosetests
Expand Down
114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions descqa/
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
import os
import numpy as np
from itertools import count
from .base import BaseValidationTest, TestResult
from .plotting import plt
from .utils import get_opt_binpoints

__all__ = ['SizeDistribution']

class SizeDistribution(BaseValidationTest):
validation test to check the slope of the size distribution at small sizes.

#plotting constants
validation_color = 'black'
validation_marker = 'o'
default_markers = ['v', 's', 'd', 'H', '^', 'D', 'h', '<', '>', '.']
msize = 4 #marker-size
yaxis_xoffset = 0.02
yaxis_yoffset = 0.5

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
#pylint: disable=W0231
#validation data
validation_filepath = os.path.join(self.data_dir, kwargs['data_filename'])
self.validation_data = np.loadtxt(validation_filepath)

self.acceptable_keys = kwargs['possible_size_fields']

self._color_iterator = ('C{}'.format(i) for i in count())

def run_on_single_catalog(self, catalog_instance, catalog_name, output_dir):
# update color and marker to preserve catalog colors and markers across tests
catalog_color = next(self._color_iterator)

# check catalog data for required quantities
key = catalog_instance.first_available(*self.acceptable_keys)
if not key:
summary = 'Missing required quantity' + ' or '.join(['{}']*len(self.acceptable_keys))
return TestResult(skipped=True, summary=summary.format(*self.acceptable_keys))

# get data
catalog_data = catalog_instance.get_quantities(key)
sizes = catalog_data[key]
good_data_mask = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(np.isinf(sizes), np.isnan(sizes)))
sizes = sizes[good_data_mask]
non_neg_mask = sizes > 0
if np.sum(non_neg_mask) > 0:
print('Warning: some sizes were negative or zero; these are being masked')
sizes = sizes[non_neg_mask]
min_sizes = np.min(sizes)
max_sizes = np.max(sizes)

# Compute N(size) and its slope at the small end.
# Things seem to be roughly linear where N(size)>0.5*Ntot so use those points.
# Get ~20 points for the line fit, but compute the whole graph
median = np.median(sizes)
n_bins = int(20*(max_sizes-min_sizes)/(median-min_sizes))
N, bin_edges = np.histogram(sizes, bins=n_bins)
sumM = np.histogram(sizes, weights=sizes, bins=bin_edges)[0]
sumM2 = np.histogram(sizes, weights=sizes**2, bins=bin_edges)[0]
size_pts = get_opt_binpoints(N, sumM, sumM2, bin_edges)
diff = size_pts[1:] - size_pts[:-1]
if not np.all(diff >= 0):
# Sparsely populated bins sometimes cause problems for
# get_opt_binpoints; replace with the dumb solution
size_pts = 0.5*(bin_edges[:-1]+bin_edges[1:])

mask = size_pts < median

# Normalize so we can compare datasets of different sizes
cumul_N_norm = np.array(
[1.0*np.sum(N[-i-1:]) for i in range(len(N))], dtype=float
data_slope, data_intercept = np.polyfit(size_pts[mask], cumul_N_norm[mask], 1)

# Compute the slope for the validation dataset in this size range.
# Copy the validation dataset so we can play with it
validation_data = self.validation_data.copy()
validation_mask = (validation_data[:, 0] > min_sizes) & (validation_data[:, 0] < median)
validation_data[:, 1] /= validation_data[validation_mask, 1][0]
validation_slope, _ = np.polyfit(validation_data[validation_mask, 0],
validation_data[validation_mask, 1], 1)

# plot a histogram of sizes. This is easier to see as log(sizes) so do that.
fig, (hist_ax, cumul_ax) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
hist_ax.hist(np.log10(sizes), color=catalog_color, edgecolor='black', alpha=0.75,
normed=True, bins=20)
hist_ax.set_ylabel("dN/d log({})".format(key))

# plot the CDF and the line fit
cumul_ax.plot(size_pts, cumul_N_norm, color=catalog_color)
cumul_ax.plot(size_pts[mask], (data_intercept+data_slope*size_pts[mask]), color='gray')
cumul_ax.text(0.95, 0.96,
'validation=${:.3f}$\nslope=${:.3f}$'.format(validation_slope, data_slope),
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top',

with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'size_distribution_{}.txt'.format(catalog_name)), 'w'
) as f:
f.write("# Slope, intercept\n")
f.write("%7f %9f\n"%(data_slope, data_intercept))

fig.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, 'size_distribution_{}.png'.format(catalog_name)))
return TestResult(inspect_only=True)

175 changes: 175 additions & 0 deletions descqa/
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@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals, absolute_import
import os
import numpy as np
from GCR import GCRQuery
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic

from .base import BaseValidationTest, TestResult
from .plotting import plt

__all__ = ['SizeStellarMassLuminosity']

def redshift2dist(cosmology):
z = np.arange(0, 5.1, 0.5)
comov_d = cosmology.comoving_distance(z).to('kpc').value
spl = interpolate.splrep(z, comov_d)
return spl

class SizeStellarMassLuminosity(BaseValidationTest):
Validation test of 2pt correlation function
_ARCSEC_TO_RADIAN = np.pi / 180. / 3600.

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
#pylint: disable=W0231
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.observation = kwargs['observation']
self.possible_mag_fields = kwargs['possible_mag_fields']
self.test_name = kwargs['test_name']
self.data_label = kwargs['data_label']
self.z_bins = kwargs['z_bins']
self.output_filename_template = kwargs['output_filename_template']
self.label_template = kwargs['label_template']
self.fig_xlabel = kwargs['fig_xlabel']
self.fig_ylabel = kwargs['fig_ylabel']

validation_filepath = os.path.join(self.data_dir, kwargs['data_filename'])
self.validation_data = np.genfromtxt(validation_filepath)

def ConvertAbsMagLuminosity(AbsM, band):
'''AbsM: absolute magnitude, band: filter'''
AbsM = np.asarray(AbsM)

bands = {'U':5.61, 'B':5.48, 'V':4.83, 'R':4.42, 'I':4.08,
'J':3.64, 'H':3.32, 'K':3.28, 'g':5.33, 'r':4.67,
'i':4.48, 'z':4.42, 'F300W':6.09, 'F450W':5.32, 'F555W':4.85,
'F606W':4.66, 'F702W':4.32, 'F814W':4.15, 'CFHT_U':5.57,
'CFHT_B':5.49, 'CFHT_V':4.81, 'CFHT_R':4.44, 'CFHT_I':4.06,
'NIRI_J':3.64, 'NIRI_H':3.33, 'NIRI_K':3.29}

if band in bands.keys():
AbsSun = bands[band]
raise ValueError('Filter not implemented')

logL = (AbsSun - AbsM) / 2.5 #unit of sun
return logL

def run_on_single_catalog(self, catalog_instance, catalog_name, output_dir):
Loop over magnitude cuts and make plots
# load catalog data
spl = redshift2dist(catalog_instance.cosmology)

colnames = dict()
colnames['z'] = catalog_instance.first_available('redshift', 'redshift_true')
colnames['mag'] = catalog_instance.first_available(*self.possible_mag_fields)
if self.observation == 'onecomp':
colnames['size'] = catalog_instance.first_available('size', 'size_true')
elif self.observation == 'twocomp':
colnames['size_bulge'] = catalog_instance.first_available('size_bulge', 'size_bulge_true')
colnames['size_disk'] = catalog_instance.first_available('size_disk', 'size_disk_true')

if not all(v for v in colnames.values()):
return TestResult(skipped=True, summary='Missing requested quantities')
#Check whether the columns are finite or not
filters = [(np.isfinite, c) for c in colnames.values()]

#Select objects within maximum and minimum redshift of all the bins
'{} < {}'.format(colnames['z'], max(z_bin['z_max'] for z_bin in self.z_bins)),
'{} >= {}'.format(colnames['z'], min(z_bin['z_min'] for z_bin in self.z_bins)),
catalog_data = catalog_instance.get_quantities(list(colnames.values()), filters=filters)
catalog_data = {k: catalog_data[v] for k, v in colnames.items()}

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(9, 6), sharex=True, sharey=True)
col = 0
row = 0
for z_bin in self.z_bins:
ax = axes[row, col]
# filter catalog data for this bin
filters = [
'z < {}'.format(z_bin['z_max']),
'z >= {}'.format(z_bin['z_min']),

catalog_data_this = GCRQuery(*filters).filter(catalog_data)
if len(catalog_data_this['z']) == 0:
z_mean = (z_bin['z_max'] + z_bin['z_min']) / 2.
output_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, self.output_filename_template.format(z_bin['z_min'], z_bin['z_max']))
colors = ['r', 'b']
default_L_bin_edges = np.array([9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5])
default_L_bins = (default_L_bin_edges[1:] + default_L_bin_edges[:-1]) / 2.
if self.observation == 'onecomp':
logL_G = self.ConvertAbsMagLuminosity(catalog_data_this['mag'], 'g')
size_kpc = catalog_data_this['size'] * self._ARCSEC_TO_RADIAN * interpolate.splev(catalog_data_this['z'], spl) / (1 + catalog_data_this['z'])
binned_size_kpc = binned_statistic(logL_G, size_kpc, bins=default_L_bin_edges, statistic='mean')[0]
binned_size_kpc_err = binned_statistic(logL_G, size_kpc, bins=default_L_bin_edges, statistic='std')[0]

np.savetxt(output_filepath, np.transpose((default_L_bins, binned_size_kpc, binned_size_kpc_err)))

validation_this = self.validation_data[(self.validation_data[:,0] < z_mean + 0.25) & (self.validation_data[:,0] > z_mean - 0.25)]

ax.semilogy(validation_this[:,1], 10**validation_this[:,2], label=self.label_template.format(z_bin['z_min'], z_bin['z_max']))
ax.fill_between(validation_this[:,1], 10**validation_this[:,3], 10**validation_this[:,4], lw=0, alpha=0.2)
ax.errorbar(default_L_bins, binned_size_kpc, binned_size_kpc_err, marker='o', ls='')
elif self.observation == 'twocomp':
logL_I = self.ConvertAbsMagLuminosity(catalog_data_this['mag'], 'i')
arcsec_to_kpc = self._ARCSEC_TO_RADIAN * interpolate.splev(catalog_data_this['z'], spl) / (1 + catalog_data_this['z'])

binned_bulgesize_kpc = binned_statistic(logL_I, catalog_data_this['size_bulge'] * arcsec_to_kpc, bins=default_L_bin_edges, statistic='mean')[0]
binned_bulgesize_kpc_err = binned_statistic(logL_I, catalog_data_this['size_bulge'] * arcsec_to_kpc, bins=default_L_bin_edges, statistic='std')[0]
binned_disksize_kpc = binned_statistic(logL_I, catalog_data_this['size_disk'] * arcsec_to_kpc, bins=default_L_bin_edges, statistic='mean')[0]
binned_disksize_kpc_err = binned_statistic(logL_I, catalog_data_this['size_disk'] * arcsec_to_kpc, bins=default_L_bin_edges, statistic='std')[0]
binned_bulgesize_kpc = np.nan_to_num(binned_bulgesize_kpc)
binned_bulgesize_kpc_err = np.nan_to_num(binned_bulgesize_kpc_err)
binned_disksize_kpc = np.nan_to_num(binned_disksize_kpc)
binned_disksize_kpc_err = np.nan_to_num(binned_disksize_kpc_err)
np.savetxt(output_filepath, np.transpose((default_L_bins, binned_bulgesize_kpc, binned_bulgesize_kpc_err, binned_disksize_kpc, binned_disksize_kpc_err)))

validation_this = self.validation_data[(self.validation_data[:,0] < z_mean + 0.25) & (self.validation_data[:,0] > z_mean - 0.25)]

ax.text(11, 0.3, self.label_template.format(z_bin['z_min'], z_bin['z_max']))
ax.semilogy(validation_this[:,1], validation_this[:,2], label='Bulge', color=colors[0])
ax.fill_between(validation_this[:,1], validation_this[:,2] + validation_this[:,4], validation_this[:,2] - validation_this[:,4], lw=0, alpha=0.2, facecolor=colors[0])
ax.semilogy(validation_this[:,1] + 0.2, validation_this[:,3], label='Disk', color=colors[1])
ax.fill_between(validation_this[:,1] + 0.2, validation_this[:,3] + validation_this[:,5], validation_this[:,3] - validation_this[:,5], lw=0, alpha=0.2, facecolor=colors[1])

ax.errorbar(default_L_bins, binned_bulgesize_kpc, binned_bulgesize_kpc_err, marker='o', ls='', c=colors[0])
ax.errorbar(default_L_bins+0.2, binned_disksize_kpc, binned_disksize_kpc_err, marker='o', ls='', c=colors[1])
ax.set_xlim([9, 13])
ax.set_ylim([1e-1, 25])
ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
del catalog_data_this

col += 1
if col > 2:
col = 0
row += 1


fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False)
# hide tick and tick label of the big axes
plt.tick_params(labelcolor='none', which='both', top='off', bottom='off', left='off', right='off')
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0.2)
fig.suptitle('{} ($M_V$) vs. {}'.format(catalog_name, self.data_label), fontsize='medium', y=0.93)
fig.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, '{:s}.png'.format(self.test_name)), bbox_inches='tight')

#TODO: calculate summary statistics
return TestResult(inspect_only=True)
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions descqa/configs/shear.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
subclass_name: shear_test.ShearTest
z: 'redshift_true'
ra: 'ra'
dec: 'dec'
e1: 'shear_1'
e2: 'shear_2'
kappa: 'convergence'
nbins: 6
min_sep: 2.5
max_sep: 200
sep_units: 'arcmin'
bin_slop: 0.07
zlo: 0.7
zhi: 0.8
do_jackknife: False
N_clust: 10
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions descqa/configs/size_Mandelbaum2014_BD.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
subclass_name: SizeStellarMassLuminosity.SizeStellarMassLuminosity

#observation: either protodc or buzzard
observation: twocomp

- Mag_true_i_lsst_z0
- Mag_true_i_sdss_z0
- Mag_true_i_des_z0

mag_bin_separation: 1

output_filename_template: 'size_COSMOS_z_{}_{}.dat'

label_template: '${} < z < {}$'

data_filename: 'size/Mandelbaum2014_LumF814W_size_bulge_disk.txt'
data_label: 'Mandelbaum+2014: F814W comparing mean and scatter'

- {z_min: 0.0, z_max: 0.5}
- {z_min: 0.5, z_max: 1.0}
- {z_min: 1.0, z_max: 1.5}

fig_xlabel: '$(L/L_{\odot})_{I}$'
fig_ylabel: '$\log_{10}(R_e)$ (kpc)'

description: |
Compare evolution of bulge and disk sizes as a function of i-band magnitude of LSST and redshift and comparing to Mandelbaum et al (2015) HST COSMOS F814W observations
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions descqa/configs/size_dist_COSMOS.yaml
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
subclass_name: SizeDistribution.SizeDistribution

- size
- size_true

data_filename: 'size_dist/COSMOS_Great3_sample_size_distribution.txt'

description: Compare slope of N(size) to the same slope in the Great3 COSMOS postage stamps

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