Helping people to Arrange items in an efficient way.
Installation is super friendly using pip
$ pip install
$ sudo mongod
$ python
This is the layout of the data of json object. Arrangement JSON Object
API routes for /GET and /POST using python and MongoDB. I include the API specs in this document[¬eKey=eeba35063fe77bbb&]
Each Containers can have several items for example different kind of car and size. And inside
Example of the Arrangement JSON object:
{ "containers": [ { "id": "cC2CI9MN8", "name": "Jakes van", "size": 8 }, { "id": "cLDJKQ8J1", "name": "nathan van", "size": 8 } ], "id": "aIMBG40VP", "is_deleted": false, "items": [ { "id": "iGH8S90R3", "name": "Jakes", "size": 1 }, { "id": "i7GWRVQIL", "name": "Jakes luggage", "size": 1 }, { "id": "iGN10XW08", "name": "Chin", "size": 1 }, { "id": "i1EWBLGZU", "name": "Nathan", "size": 1 }, { "id": "iWE7MRXXE", "name": "Mikey", "size": 1 } ], "name": "first arrangement", "snapshots": [ { "id": "sDET5Z696", "name": "only snapshot", "snapshot": { "cC2CI9MN8": [ "i197ZJ4GO", "i238HYV07", "i4SLYDFGA" ], "cLDJKQ8J1": [ "iALRIZBJ1", "iJBGT7BJF" ] } } ], "timestamp": 1537928309.756494 }