How to run app:
npm install
cd upload-app npm install
cd ..
npm run dev
Create empty public git repository.
Initialize it with master branch
Create dev branch
Create Vue/ReactJS app
Develop features from ‘App features’ list
Push app to dev
App features:
There is a single button ‘Upload files’
After User clicks this button, he can select multiple files
There must be a validation - files must not be bigger than 1mb. If it’s an image it must be only png or jpg. There must be a warning if file is too big. After selection we can see files list in the following format:
- Filename | file extension | filesize | X (where X is cancellation of this particular file upload)
- Filename | file extension ... [SUBMIT] button
Submit button should post files via AJAX request as multipart/form-data to route BASE_URL/upload
Commit and push to develop.
Estimate: 3-4 hours.