control your home over the web. all from your android device.
When it comes to simple software to control your home from an android device, a lot of projects exist. I wanted to do it my own way and make use of my [Raspberry Pi](http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B008PT4GGC/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1638&creative=19454&creativeASIN=B008PT4GGC&linkCode=as2&tag=da0d-21 Raspberry Pi) and my Arduino. At the time when I started this project, the raspberry was not even available, so no frameworks etc. for using the I/Os of the raspi existed, also no display.
##Current Features
- Control the plugs via Android, so you can turn on/off every device plugged in
- See temperatures / humidity on the app
- See a Log inside the android app
- Do a Timing, so your lights will go out at specified time
##The whole setup consists of
- Android application
- Rasperry Pi server application
- Small loop for Arduino with correct wiring
- Remote plugs (like the ones from Breenstuhl on Amazon, or Pollin)
##Current Implementation
- The Android communicates via JSON to the Raspberry Server
- The Server part is written in Java, using a Tomcat server
- The Arduino is connected to the Raspi via USB
- Connection between Raspi and Arduino is done via [http://rxtx.qbang.org/ RXTX library]
- Temperature, timers etc are displayed on the display of the Arduno Display Shield (2 lines)
##Future Plans
- Rewritten Server application (current in very early state) using a h2-DB
- Web interface using a state-of-the-art web technology
- Get rid of the Arduino by accessing the I/O's of the Raspberry
- A experimental JavaFx client can be found in the trunk
#Installation The installation is split into different parts, not every one is quite simple. I split the manual in different parts, so go through every part and follow the pages.
Newer application files will be uploaded soon!