This is a tool i made to quickly highlight things in screenshots. It uses OCR to find words in text and automatically draws red boxes around them on hover.
The code is pretty bad, I dont expect anyone to actually use this. But I do, so i wanna share it and keep it somewhere i can download.
requires ruby
gem install rtesseract
gem install gosu
<package manager> tesseract tesseract-data-eng
ruby main.rb test.png # => test_highlighted.png
The command will open a window with the image displayed on all of it.
After saving with S
, it will save the file and print its new name.
for a real usage example
Right click
Will create a green square. Clicking more words will expand the square to fit them
Press enter
The square will turn red. you can now start selecting a new area
Press C
when hovering on one of the red squares
The square will turn blue
Then press C
on another red square
Hover on the red square and press X
Press O
Hover and press +
or -
Press S
Press Q
To select a corner regardless of text press R
A green point will appear. Press R
or click on anything to expand the selection.