Note: this is development version. If you are looking for stable version check out master branch.
SleepingOwl Admin is administrative interface builder for Laravel.
- jquery
- bootstrap
- bootbox
- datetimepicker
- fontawesome
- moment
- nestable
- noty
- ckeditor
- Sortable
- select2
- flow.js
- ekko-lightbox
- metisMenu
- datatables
- startbootstrap-sb-admin-2
Require this package in your composer.json and run composer update:
"laravelrus/sleepingowl": "4.*@dev"
After composer update, add service providers to the
Run this command in terminal (if you want to know what exactly this command makes, see install command documentation):
$ php artisan sleepingowl:install
You can download demo project
Documentation can be found at sleeping owl documentation.
Admin was written by Sleeping Owl for the Laravel framework and is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.