Ruby.wasm lets you run the Ruby Programming Language in the Browser using Webassembly. This projects makes it easier to get started with a wasm binary that included the Javascript bridge. You can also add your own gems from Rubygems into the webassembly file or use ruby code files on your website.
- Demo Page index.html
- Ruby Code Runner in Browser run-code.html runCode.rb
- Including Ruby files via require_relative require.html main.rb second.rb
you will need
- gcc and others
- rust
- cargo
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
cd ruby.wasm-quickstart
ruby -run -e httpd . -p 8080
- If you want to add something to your gemfile, you will need to recompile the wasm file (1 second).
- You can add ruby files into ruby-app.wasm by changing the command. for instance a src directory.
- bundle exec rbwasm --dir ./src::/src --log-level debug build --ruby-version 3.3 --target wasm32-unknown-wasi --build-profile full -o ruby-app.wasm
- If you want to load ruby files via the network, use run-code.html as a template. You can add require_relative after the module block to load any files. I will provide a simpler example later.
- see releases for prebuilt ruby-app.wasm
- explain how to add code outside gems to the image
show how to shrink/compress the ruby.wasm file (currently 51MB with debug info, but can be about 10mb or less.) - license + explanation
- ask upstream if they can make a javascript file that doesnt have the .wasm file path hardcoded.
- docker file
- upload release
- figure out how to get better errormessages in the console (which JS:Object)
- Cast some values automatically to numbers
- github website with example
- ruby.wasm
- Based on work by Yuta Saito et al
- emirb - irb on ruby-wasm-emscripten + xterm-pty
- irb.wasm
- Largo/irb.wasm: IRB on browser powered by WebAssembly Browser + new JS Gem
- See: Support RubyGems / Bundler #358
- JS Gem
- JavaScript Files
- ruby.wasmでブラウザを酷使してみよう / 2023-MatsueRubyKaigi - Speaker Deck
- ブラウザでRubyを動かす夢 - まめめも
- ruby.wasmでrequire_relativeを使えるようにしたい #Ruby - Qiita
- RubyでWebAssemblyを試してみよう #ruby #WebAssembly #WASM #WASI - クリエーションライン株式会社
- TODO: Shrinking .wasm Size
- see in ruby.wasm repo