Port of this game to the Flipper Zero.
Your goal is to fly a paper plane through obstacles and get to the bottom of the map.
Your score is dictated by how far down the level you get.
This game can be built with the ufbt toolkit.
python3 -m pip install --upgrade ufbt
ufbt update # update ufbt to the latest version
ufbt # builds the application
ufbt launch # be sure your flipper is plugged in and detected
This game is a port of Paper Plane from the TI-83+/84+ series of graphing calculators, which itself is a port of a minigame from Wario Ware Inc. on the GBA.
The art and map are direct conversions from the calculator version.
Most of the Flipper Zero specific code comes from this project, which was a huge help in figuring how things work.