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TAO3 is a .NET Interactive extension for writting interactively adhoc data transformation quickly in C#.

For more information on .NET interactive:

Table of contents:

Getting Started


//Import the TAO3 nuget package
#r "nuget:TAO3"

//Import the TAO3 prelude
using static TAO3.Prelude;
//Creates a macro that is trigger when CTRL+SHIFT+1 is pressed, that removes the empty lines from the clipboard
#!macro CTRL+SHIFT+1
#!input clipboard line lines
#!out clipboard line

return lines
    .Where(x => x != "");

Magic Commands

Magic commands are special directives provided by .NET interactive and extension developer that enables the user to send special command to the .NET interactive engine. See the documentation from the dotnet interactive repo for a detailed explanation of how magic commands works.

#!input Magic Command

The #!input command enables you to load a textual value from a source into a type safe C# class.


#!input <source> [source arguments] <converter> [converter arguments] <name> [--verbose]

Aliases: #!in

Name Required Description
source true Describe where to get the data to import. The most common source are clipboard, file, http and file. See Source and destinations for more details.
source arguments - Parameterise the source. See Source and destinations for more details.
converter true Describe how the source text will be transformed to a C# object. The most common converters are json, text, csv, xml and line. See Converters for more details.
converter arguments - Parameterise the converter. See Converters for more details.
name true Name of the variable containing the converted text from the source.
--verbose (or -v) false If enabled, the generated C# classe will be printed in the cell output

Exemple 1:

//Copy the clipboard textual value into a variable named "str" of type string
#!input clipboard text str

return str;

Exemple 2:

//Copy every lines of the active tab in Notepad++ into a variable named "lines" of type List<string>
#!input notepad line lines

return lines;

Exemple 3:

//1. Takes the text in the clipbard
//2. Infer a C# class named "MyJsonObject"
//3. Deserialize the text from the clipboard using the infered class
//4. Copy the deseralized value into a variable named "myJsonObject"
#!input clipboard json myJsonObject

return myJsonObject;

Exemple 4:

//Shorter version of the previous command
#!in cb json myJsonObject

return myJsonObject;

Exemple 5:


//Loads C:\Artists.xml into a variable named artists.
//Print the generated C# class into the output of the cell
#!input file C:\Artists.xml xml artists --verbose

return artists;
using CsvHelper.Configuration.Attributes;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TAO3.Converters.Sql;
using TAO3.Converters.Xml;

public class Artists
    public Artist Artist { get; set; } = null!;

public class Artist
    public string Name { get; set; } = null!;

    public string Age { get; set; } = null!;

    public List<Track> Track { get; set; } = null!;

public class Track
    public string Name { get; set; } = null!;

    public string Genre { get; set; } = null!;

Artists artists = __internal_010ff204dcb24d529c03e502ffbbf60d.Deserialize<Artists>(__internal_9149ba43941a420c913b54b6095ea283, __internal_c7cbd2804ad449b4838956977a80e2d2);

#!output Magic Command


#!output <destination> [destination arguments] <converter> [converter arguments] [variable] [--verbose]

Aliases: #!out

Name Required Default value Description
destination false clipboard Describe where to export the data. The most common destination are clipboard, file, http and file. See Source and destinations for more details.
destination arguments - - Parameterise the source. See Source and destinations for more details.
converter false text if output is string, line if output is IEnumerable<string>, else json Describe how the c# object will be serialised. The most common converters are json, text, csv, xml and line. See Converters for more details.
converter arguments - - Parameterise the converter. See Converters for more details.
variable false return value of the cell Name of the variable containing the converted text from the source.
--verbose (or -v) false false If enabled, the generated C# class will be printed in the cell output

Exemple 1:

//Copy "Hello world" into the clipboard
#!output clipboard text
return "Hello world!";

Exemple 2:

//Copy "Hello world" into the clipboard
#!output clipboard text str
string str = "Hello world!";

Exemple 3:

//Copy the following value into the active tab in notepad++:
//    "A": 1,
//    "B": true
#!output notepad++ json
return new
    A = 1,
    B = true
//Create a file named "D:\myScript.sql" and with the following content:
//INSERT INTO [MyTable] ([Id], [Value]) VALUES(1, 'Hello');
//INSERT INTO [MyTable] ([Id], [Value]) VALUES(2, 'World');
#!output file D:\myScript.sql sql

record MyTable(int Id, string Value);

return new List<MyTable>
    new MyTable(1, "Hello"),
    new MyTable(2, "World")

#!macro Magic Command


#!macro <shortcut> [--silent]

Aliases: none

Name Required Description
shortcut true Key combination that will trigger the macro.
--silent (or -s) false Removes the toast notification when the key combination is pressed

Shortcut syntax

[CTRL+] [SHIFT+] [ALT+] <key>
<key>: A, B, ..., Y, Z, 0, 1, ..., 8, 9, F1, F2, ..., F11, F12

Examples of shortcut

//Creates a macro with the sortcut "CTRL + SHIFT + 1" that transform the content of the clipboard from JSON to XML.
#!macro CTRL+SHIFT+1
#!in cb json myJsonValue
#!out cb xml
return myJsonValue;

#!run Magic Command

Run a script from a file.


#!run file <path>

Aliases: none

Depending on the file extension, a different kernel will be used to execute the script:

File extension Kernel
.dib Composite
.ipynb Composite
.cs C#
.csx C#
.fs F#
.fsi F#
.fsx F#
.fsscript F#
.js javascript
.html HTML
.ps1 PowerShell
other C#

Exemple 1:

#!run D:\myClass.cs

#!connectMSSQL Magic Command

Wrapper around #!connect mssql provided by Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.SqlServer. This wrapper adds parameter for each part of the connection string, to help the user to write the connection string.

#!connectMSSQL --server . --database Northwind --integratedSecurity
//Equivalent to:
#r "nuget: Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.SqlServer, *-*"
#!connect mssql "server=.;database=Northwind;Integrated Security=true" --kernel-name Northwind --create-dbcontext

#!generateHttpClient Magic Command

Wrapper of SvcUtil.exe that generates HTTP clients for svc and asmx endpoints.


#!generateHttpClient <uri> [--clientName] [--verbose]

Sources and destinations

Sources are locations where the text is readed for the #!input magic command.

Destinations are where the result of the #!output magic command is written to.

Most sources are also destinations and vice versa.

clipboard Source And Destination

Uses the text in the clipboard as a source or a destination.

Aliases: cb

#!input Arguments: none

#!output Arguments: none

notepad++ Source And Destination

Uses the active tab in notepad++ as a source or a destination.

Aliases: npp, notepad, n++

#!input Arguments: none

#!output Arguments:
Name Required Description
--language false Name of the language used for the syntax highlighting in the current tab of notepad++. If ommited, the default language defined in the converter will be used. See NppLanguage.cs for all legal values.

file Source And Destination

Uses a file as a source or a destination

Aliases: none

#!input Arguments:
Name Required Description
path true Path to the file used as a source
--encoding false Encoding used to read the file. Legal values are: iso-8859-1, us-ascii utf-16, utf-16BE, utf-32, utf-32BE, utf-8
#!output Arguments:
Name Required Description
path true Path to the file used as a destination
--encoding false Encoding used to read the file. Legal values are: iso-8859-1, us-ascii utf-16, utf-16BE, utf-32, utf-32BE, utf-8

clipboardFile Source

Uses the currently copied files as a source. clipboardFile cannot be used in the #!output magic command.

Aliases: cbf

#!input Arguments:
Name Required Description
--encoding false Encoding used to read the files. Legal values are: iso-8859-1, us-ascii utf-16, utf-16BE, utf-32, utf-32BE, utf-8

Exemple 1:

Files copied in clipboard



#!input clipboardFile json copiedFiles -v


public class CopiedFiles
    public Blogs Blogs { get; set; }
    public Posts Posts { get; set; }
    public ArchivedPosts ArchivedPosts { get; set; }

//Infered classes for D:\Blogs.json
public class Blogs

//Infered classes for D:\Posts.json
public class Posts

//Infered classes for D:\Archives\ArchivedPosts.json
public class ArchivedPosts

http Source And Destination

Uses a HTTP request as source or a destination.

Aliases: none

#!input Arguments:
Name Required Description
uri true` URI used to do the request
--verb false HTTP verb used to do request. Legal values are Delete, Get, Head, Options, Patch, Post, Put and Trace. The default value is Get
#!output Arguments:
Name Required Description
uri true` URI used to do the request
--verb false HTTP verb used to do request. Legal values are Delete, Get, Head, Options, Patch, Post, Put and Trace. The default value is Post
mediaType false Media type used for the content of the request. If ommited, the MimeType defined in the converter will be used as the mediaType


Taked the current cell as the source, without the #!input magic command. cell cannot be used in the #!output magic command.

Aliases: none


Exemple 1:

Cell 1 (HTML cell):

#!input cell xml code
    hello world

Cell 2 (C# cell):

return code;


hello world


Converters are used in the #!input magic command to transform the source text to a C# objects. Some converter will deserialize the source text into a specific type. For example the line converter will always convert the input text to a List<string>. Other converter will infer a type, depending on the shape of the data. For exemple, the json converter will infer a C# class, using the shape of the text provided by the source.

Converters are also used in the #!output to serialize a C# object into text.

text Converter

The text converter simply takes the source text in the #!input magic command. For the #!output magic command, the string representation of the object (ToString) will be used.

Aliases: string

Arguments: none


Exemple 1:

//Write into the cell output the current clipboard content
#!input clipboard text clipboardContent
return clipboardContent;

Exemple 2:

//Write into the clipboard "Hello world"
#!output clipboard text
return "Hello World";

Exemple 3:

//Write into the clipboard "Hello world"
#!output clipboard text

class A
    public override string ToString()
        return "Hello world";

return new A();

line Converter

For the #!input magic command, the line converter transforms the input text into a List<string>, where each element of the list is a line.

For the #!ouput magic command, if the object is a string or is not IEnumerable, the string representation (.ToString()) of the object will be used. Otherwise, each element of the IEnumerable will be written to the output text. Each element will be on 1 line.

Aliases: none

Arguments: none


Exemple 1:

//Write into the cell output each line of the clipboad text that is not empty
#!input clipboard line rows
return rows
    .Where(x => x != "");

Exemple 2:

//Write into the clipboard the following value:
#!output clipboard line
return new List<string>

json Converter

For the #!input magic command, the json converter is used to convert the source text containing JSON to a C# object. If --type is not specified the converter will try to infer a C# class that represents the source text.

For the #!ouput magic command, the will simply serialize the output object into JSON.

Aliases: none

#!input Arguments:
Name Required Description
--type (or -t) false Type to use to deserialise the input text. It can be dynamic. If omited, the type will be infered
--settings false Converter settings of type Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings
#!output Arguments:
Name Required Description
--settings false Converter settings of type Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings

Exemple 1:

#!input clipboard json myJson
return myJson;

Exemple 2:

var bob = new
    Name = "Bob",
    Age = 50
#!output file D:\file.json json bob

Exemple 3:

#!input clipboard json --type dynamic myJson
return myJson;

Exemple 4:

class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

#!input clipboard json --type Person person
return person;

Exemple 5:

Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings mySettings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings();

#!in cb json --settings mySettings myJson
return myJson;

csv Converter

For the #!input magic command, is used to transform the source text containing Comma-separated values (CSV) into a C# object. The object will be of type List<T> where T is a type that the converter will inferes bases on the shape of the source text.

For the #!ouput magic command, the output object will be serialize into CSV

This converter should be used when your data doesn't have any headers. If your data has headers, use the csvh converter instead.

The converter will name each columns using the excel column naming convention. So column will be named: A, B, ... Y, Z, AA, AB, ...

Aliases: none

#!input Arguments:
Name Required Description
--separator (or -s) false Separator used between the values in the CSV. The default separator is ","
--type (or -t) false Type to use to deserialise the input text. It can be dynamic. If omited, the type will be infered
--settings false Converter settings of type CsvHelper.Configuration.CsvConfiguration
#!output Arguments:
Name Required Description
--separator (or -s) false Separator used between the values in the CSV. The default separator is ",".
--settings false Converter settings of type CsvHelper.Configuration.CsvConfiguration

Exemple 1:

#!input clipboard csv myCSV
return myCSV;

Exemple 2:

var bob = new
    Name = "Bob",
    Age = 50
#!output file D:\file.csv csv bob
//Writes "Bob,50" in D:\file.csv

Exemple 3:

var bob = new
    Name = "Alice",
    Age = 23
#!output file D:\file.csv csv --separator ; bob
//Writes "Alice;23" in D:\file.csv

Exemple 4:

#!input clipboard csv --type dynamic rows
return rows;

Exemple 5:

class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

#!input clipboard csv --type Person persons
return persons;

Exemple 5:

CsvHelper.Configuration.CsvConfiguration mySettings = new CsvHelper.Configuration.CsvConfiguration();

#!in cb csv --settings mySettings rows
return rows;

Tips If you copy data from a tabular source, the default separator will be a tab (\t) That means, that if you copy data from Excel, SSMS, or any a data tabular source, this command will likely work correctly:

//Use csvh if the data has an header
#!input clipboard csv -s \t rows

csvh Converter

Exactly the same as csv, except the CSV has an header.

Aliases: none

xml Converter

html Converter

For the #!input magic command, the html converter transforms the source text into a Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.HtmlString. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.HtmlString are used to render HTML in the cell output.

For the #!ouput magic command, the html converter transforms Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.HtmlString into a string containing the HTML.

Aliases: none

#!input Arguments: none

#!output Arguments: none


Example 1:

Clipboard text:

        <th style="color: red">Header</th>
        <th style="color: green">Value</th>


#!in cb html code
return code;



sql Converter

For the #!input magic command, the sql converter can be use to transform SQL insert statements to c# objects. The sql converter will infer a C# class, based on the shape of the input text.

For the #!ouput magic command, the sql converter can be used to transform C# objects into SQL insert statements. It can also be used to transform System.Type into create table statements.

The sql converter is made for SQL Server, but may work for other SQL dialects.

Aliases: none

#!input Arguments: none

#!output Arguments:
Name Required Description
--tableName (or -tn) false Name of the table used for the insert table statements. If omitted, the name of the type will be used

Exemple 1:

Clipboard text

INSERT INTO [Person] ([Name], [LastName]) VALUES('Alice', 'Stone');
INSERT INTO [Person] ([Name], [LastName]) VALUES('Bob', 'Armstrong');

Cell 1:

#!input clipboard sql persons -v
Output 1:
using CsvHelper.Configuration.Attributes;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using TAO3.Converters.Sql;

public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; } = null!;

    public string LastName { get; set; } = null!;

List<Person> persons = __internal_c14fbca127bc4e63b99080ac80940e56.Deserialize<List<Person>>(__internal_a6d1c31558234bb2b658b7c94075cd7f, __internal_76c313bd8c494cd3b5f53b04f881dc7c);

Cell 2:

return persons;

Output 2:

index Name LastName
0 Alice Stone
1 Bob Armstrong

Exemple 2:

#!out cb sql --tableName Blog

return new[]
        Id = 1,
        Name = "Introduction to C# 10"
        Id = 1,
        Name = "Introduction to C# 12"

Clipboard output:

INSERT INTO [Blog] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES(1, 'Introduction to C# 10');
INSERT INTO [Blog] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES(1, 'Introduction to C# 12');

Examples 3:


#!out cb sql

record Adresse(
    Guid Id,
    int StreetNumber,
    string StreetName);

return typeof(Adresse);

Clipboard output:

CREATE TABLE [Adresse] (
    [StreetNumber] INT NOT NULL,
    [StreetName] nvarchar(MAX) NULL);

csharp Converter

For the #!input magic command, the csharp converter can be used to have a simplified view of the syntax tree corresponding to C# code in the source text.

For the #!ouput magic command, the csharp converter can be use to transform a C# object into a string containing C# code to code to instanciate an object with the same values as the transformed output object.

Aliases: c#

#!input Arguments: none

#!output Arguments: none


Example 1:

Clipboard text:

public class TypeProviders : ITypeProviders
    public ICSharpSchemaSerializer Serializer { get; }
    public ITypeProvider<string> Sql { get; }
    public ITypeProvider<JsonSource> Json { get; }
    public ITypeProvider<CsvSource> Csv { get; }


return code.Classes[0].Properties
    .Select(x => new
        Type = x.Type.Name,

Cell output:

index Type Name
0 ICSharpSchemaSerializer Serializer
1 ITypeProvider Sql
2 ITypeProvider Json
3 ITypeProvider Csv

Example 2:


#!out cb c#

record Blog(
    int Id,
    string Name);

return new Blog(
    "Introduction to C# 10");

Clipboard output:

new Blog(
    Id: 1,
    Name: @"Introduction to C# 10")


In .NET Interactive, kernels are a way to add custom language to a notebook. Kernels provide a way to execute code of a specific language and language services like code completion and diagnostics.

TAO3 provides 2 kernels. The first one is the #!razor kernel that enables you to generate textual output using the razor template engine. The second one is the #!translate kernel that enables you to translate text from one language to another.

#!razor Kernel


#!razor [--mimeType <mimetype>] [--name <name>] [--suppress] [--verbose]
Name Description
--mimeType Mime type used to display the resulting document
--name Name of the variable containing the resulting document
--supress Suppress the displaying of the resulting document
--verbose Print the generated C# class representing the razor template into to cell output

Exemple 1:

var persons = new[]{
        Name = "Bob",
        Age = 45
        Name = "George",
        Age = 32

    @foreach (var person in persons)

Exemple 2:

#!output clipboard text generatedSql

var rows = new[]{
        Id = 1,
        Col = "Col1"
        Id = 2,
        Col = "Col2"

#!razor --name generatedSql --suppress
@foreach (var row in rows)
    <text>UPDATE [TableName] ([Id], [Col]) SET [Col] = </text>

    <text> WHERE [Id] = </text>


#!translate Kernel

The #!translate kernel is wrapper around the LibreTranslate translation API.

#!translate <source> <target>
Name Description
source Language of the input text
target Language to translate the input text to
Language list:
Language Description
en English
ar Arabic
az Azerbaijani
zh Chinese
cs Czech
nl Dutch
fi Finnish
fr French
de German
hi Hindi
hu Hungarian
id Indonesian
ga Irish
it Italian
ja Japanese
ko Korean
pl Polish
pt Portuguese
ru Russian
es Spanish
sv Swedish
tr Turkish
uk Ukranian
vi Vietnamese
auto Auto Detect

Exemple 1:

//Set the URI used for the translation. This is required. 
//If you want to self host, or choose another URI, consult the LibreTranslate Github page:
using static TAO3.Prelude;

//Writes "Bonjour !" in the cell output
#!translate en fr
Hello world!


The prelude (TAO3.Prelude) provides a convinient way to access most of the APIs provided by TAO3 using C#.

It is recommanded to import the prelude statically, so that you can have access to its method directly:

#r "nuget:TAO3"
using static TAO3.Prelude;













Extending TAO3

  • Custom converters
    • source converter
      • type inference (TypeProvider)
    • destination converter
  • Custom sources
  • Custom destinations




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