Gitea - Git with a cup of tea View this document in Chinese Rebase merge features; rebase off of master generally, rebase/squash before you merge, unless dev⇨rel autosquash git config --global rebase.autosquash true git commit --fixup git rebase --interactive --autosquash Bisect Binary search for faulty commits Log (--graph) (--format) manages a verbose commit history for you show -- Blame blame is hori; log is vert Submodules Unrelated Histories/Orphan Win/Mac⇨Dev; Dev⇨QA⇨Rel; Snap/Sys/Dock⇨Dev git switch --orphan && git merge --squash --allow-unrelated-histories Etc push/pull from a fileshare git reset --hard HEAD^ git revert git stash/pop git cherry-pick git checkout master && git checkout -- pull only the gitignore git init && git remote add gitignore && git checkout -b gitignore && git pull gitignore main && git switch --orphan master && git restore --source gitignore VisualStudio.gitignore && git add . && git commit -m "Initial Commit" && git mv VisualStudio.gitignore .gitignore && git commit -m "rename VisualStudio.gitignore⇨.gitignore" && git remote add origin && git push -u origin master how to create a private fork of a github repo how to create a mirror proper would be a great way to mention gitea How to keep track of this? git alias wt command palette ahk Stuff to work in implicitly git difftool git mergetool Things I won't cover Jenkins GitPython GitLab GitLens gitk Git Notes What's in the .git folder? Why doesn't my former employer use git? Why is Bamboo broken?