LeNiglo (lefrantguillaume@gmail.com) @ http://lefrantguillaume.com
Project available @ http://animelist.lefrantguillaume.com
Based on the idea from myanimelist.net, this is my own implementation of this service. It allows you to list every anime and serie that your are looking at (or have seen).
The project is open source so you can read, learn, fork or deploy it. I'm open to Pull Request if you have interesting features to propose. Feel free to join !
The big advantage of this service is its speed and ease of use. Built with MeteorJS, it's very lightweight and fast.
You can add a show , serie or anime, by simply filling the name ! It will be added to your wishlist (what you have to see) or you can specify a state (Running, Waiting, To See, Finished) and where you are in the show (Season, Episode). Multiple sorting and searching tools are included. You can setup your anime by choosing a custom picture and viewpoint from an external source.