type Form = {
form?: FormInstance;
colon?: boolean;
initialValues?: {[key: string]: any};
labelAlign?: 'left' | 'right';
name?: string;
preserve?: boolean;
requiredMark?: boolean | string;
requiredMarkStyle?: TextStyle;
requiredMarkPosition?: 'before' | 'after';
validateMessages?: ValidateMessages;
validateTrigger?: 'onChange' | 'onBlur';
onValuesChange?: (values: {[key: string]: any}) => void;
errorStyle?: TextStyle;
- form
Click to here
Form control instance created by Form.useForm() with Hooks
or Form.create(Component) with Class Component.
Automatically created when not provided
- colon
Configure the default value of colon for Form.Item.
Indicates whether the colon after the label is displayed
(only effective when prop layout is horizontal)
- initialValues
{[key: string]: any}
Default Values by form
- labelAlign
<'left' | 'right'>
The text align of label of all items
- name
Form name. Will be the prefix of Field id
- preserve
Keep field value even when field removed
- requiredMark
<Boolean | String>
Required mark style. Can use required mark or optional mark.
You can not config to single Form.Item since this is a Form level config
- requiredMarkStyle
Custom mark styleSheet
- requiredMarkPosition
<'before' | 'after'>
- Default: before
Config position required mark or optional mark
- validateMessages
Validation prompt template
const validateMessages = {
required: '${name} is required',
whitespace: '${name} cannot be empty',
len: '${name} must be exactly ${len} characters',
min: '${name} must be less than ${min}',
max: '${name} cannot be greater than ${max}',
pattern: '${name} does not match pattern ${pattern}',
enum: '${name} must be one of ${enum}',
- validateTrigger
<'onChange' | 'onBlur'>
- Default: onChange
Config field validate trigger
- onValuesChange
(values: {[key: string]: any}) => void
Trigger when value updated
- errorStyle
Configure the label message error form
! Must be inside the Form
type FormItem = {
colon?: boolean;
getValueProps?: (value: any) => any;
hidden?: boolean;
initialValue?: any;
labelAlign?: 'left' | 'right';
validateFirst?: boolean;
valuePropName?: 'number' | 'string' | 'checked';
children: React.ReactNode |
handle: {
onChangeValue: (value: any) => any;
onBlur: () => any;
value?: any;
error?: string;
) => JSX.Element | Promise<JSX.Element>
style?: ViewStyle | ViewStyle[];
errorStyle?: TextStyle;
labelStyle?: TextStyle;
preserve?: boolean;
name: string;
label?: string;
rules?: Rule[];
required?: boolean;
validateTrigger?: 'onChange' | 'onBlur';
allowAddItemWhenChangeName?: boolean;
keepValueWhenChangeName?: boolean;
- name
* Required
Field name
- label
Label text
- initialValue
Config sub default value. Form initialValues get higher priority when conflict
- required
Display required style. It will be generated by the validation rule
- validateFirst
<Boolean >
Whether stop validate on first rule of error for this field.
Will parallel validate when parallel cofigured
- validateTrigger
<'onChange' | 'onBlur'>
Default: onChange
When to validate the value of children node
- rules
type Rule = {
required?: boolean; //Display required style. It will be generated by the validation rule
enum?: any[]; //Match enum value. You need to set type to enum to enable this
len?: number; //Length of string
max?: number; // max of number
min?: number; // min of number
message?: string; //Error message. Will auto generate by template if not provided
pattern?: RegExp; //Regex pattern
transform?: (value: any) => any; //Transform value to the rule before validation
validateTrigger?: 'onChange' | 'onBlur';
validator?: (
rule: Rule & {name: string},
value: any,
callback: (errorMessage?: string) => void,
) => Promise<void | Error>; //Customize validation rule. Accept Promise as return. See example
whitespace?: boolean; //Failed if only has whitespace
//Rules for field validation.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import Form, {Input} from '@form-rn/form';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
label="Example Children type of JSX.Element"
{required: true, message: 'Field is required'},
validator: (rule, value) => {
if (value) {
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.reject('Field is required');
validateTrigger: 'onBlur',
validator: (rule, value, callback) => {
if (value) {
} else {
callback('Field is required');
<Input placeholder="2" />
- children
<JSX.Element | ({onChangeValue, value, onBlur, error}) => any>
//children was supported type of functional
//onBlur must be required when rules.trigger or validateTrigger is onBlur
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import Form, {Input} from '@form-rn/form';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
label="Example Children type of function">
{({onChangeValue, value, onBlur, error}) => {
console.log(value, onBlur, error);
return (
- colon
Used with label, whether to display : after label text.
- getValueProps
<(value: any) => any>
Additional props with sub component
Convert data onChange
- valuePropName
<'number' | 'string' | 'checked'>
Props of children node, for example, the prop of Switch is 'checked'.
This prop is an encapsulation of getValueProps, which will be invalid after customizing getValueProps
- hidden
Whether to hide Form.Item (still collect and validate value)
- labelAlign
<'left' | 'right'>
The text align of label
- style
<ViewStyle | ViewStyle[]>
Stylesheet Field
- errorStyle
Configure the label message error form
- labelStyle
Configure the label stylesheet
- preserve
Keep field value even when field removed
- allowAddItemWhenChangeName
- When the name changes in the props, a new Form Item will be added instead of replacing the name
- keepValueWhenChangeName
- Support props allowAddItem WhenChangeName. If true, it will keep the value for the new name
If you code like below then all the function of FormInstance will return about under an object like {idForm1: values, idForm2: values}
<Form name="idForm1">
<Form.Item name="field_name" label="Example">
<Input placeholder="2" />
<Form name="idForm2">
<Form.Item name="field_name2" label="Example2">
<Input placeholder="2" />
- getFieldError
(name: string) => Promise<(string | undefined)>
Get the error messages by the field name
- getFieldsError
(names?: string[]) => Promise<{[key: string]: string | undefined}>
Get the error messages by the fields name. Return as an array
- getFieldsValue
(names?: string[], filter?: (meta: { touched: boolean, validating: boolean }) => boolean) => Promise<any>
Get values by a set of field names.
Return according to the corresponding structure.
Default return mounted field value, but you can use getFieldsValue() to get all values
- getFieldValue
(name: string) => Promise<any>
Get the value by the field name
- isFieldsTouched
(names?: string[], allTouched?: boolean) => Promise<boolean>
Check if fields have been operated.
Check if all fields is touched when allTouched is true
- isFieldTouched
(name: string) => Promise<boolean>
Check if a field has been operated
- isFieldValidating
(name: string) => Promise<boolean>
Check field if is in validating
- resetFields
(fields?: string[]) => Promise<void>
Reset fields to initialValues
- setFields
(fields: FieldData[]) => Promise<void>
type FieldData = {
error?: string; //Error messages
name: string; //Field name path;
touched?: boolean; //Whether is operated
validating?: boolean; //Whether is in validating
value: any; //Field value
Set fields status
- setFieldValue
(name: string, value: any) => Promise<any>
Set fields value(Will directly pass to form store.
If you do not want to modify passed object, please clone first)
- setFieldsValue
(values: {[key: string]: any}) => Promise<any>
Set fields value(Will directly pass to form store.
If you do not want to modify passed object, please clone first).
- validateFields
(names?: string[]) => Promise<ValueValidateField>
type ValueValidateField = {
values: {
[key: string]: any;
errors?: {
[key: string]: {
errors: string[];
layout: LayoutRectangle;
Validate fields and return errors and values
- error
Preview border error input
- style
Stylesheet wrap view Input
- styleInput
Stylesheet Input
//Function Componet
import React from 'react';
import Form, {Input} from '@form-rn/form';
import {Button} from 'react-native';
const App = () => {
const form = useForm<Data>();
return (
<Form.ScrollView initialValues={{example: 'example'}}>
<Form.Item<Data> name="example" initialValue="12" label="Example">
<Input placeholder="2" />
<Form.Item<Data> name="radioGroup" label="Login2" required validateFirst>
<Radio value={1} label="radio 1" />
<Radio value={2} label="radio 2" />
<Radio value={3} label="radio 3" />
<Form.Item<Data> name="radio" label="Login2" required validateFirst>
<Radio label="radio 1" />
title="Get Value"
onPress={async () => {
const error = await form.getFieldError();
const errors = await form.getFieldsError();
const errorsWithNames = await form.getFieldsError(['example']);
const values = await form.getFieldsValue();
const valuesWithNames = await form.getFieldsValue(['example']);
const valuesWithFilter = await form.getFieldsValue(
(touched, validating) => touched && validating,
const value = await form.getFieldValue('example');
const isToucheds = await form.isFieldsTouched(undefined, true);
const isTouched = await form.isFieldTouched('example');
const isValidating = await form.isFieldValidating('example');
const data = await form.validateFields();
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
console.log('data is array', data);
} else console.log(data);
title="Control Value"
onPress={async () => {
name: 'example',
value: 'example1',
touched: true,
validating: true,
form.setFieldValue('example', 'example1');
form.setFieldsValue({example: 'example1'});
export default App;
//Class Component
import React from 'react';
import Form, {Input} from '@form-rn/form';
import {Button} from 'react-native';
class App extends Component<{form: FormInstance<Data>}> {
render() {
const {form} = this.props;
return (
<Form.ScrollView initialValues={{example: 'example'}}>
<Form.Item name="example" initialValue="12" label="Example">
<Input placeholder="2" />
title="Get Value"
onPress={async () => {
const error = await form.getFieldError();
const errors = await form.getFieldsError();
const errorsWithNames = await form.getFieldsError(['example']);
const values = await form.getFieldsValue();
const valuesWithNames = await form.getFieldsValue(['example']);
const valuesWithFilter = await form.getFieldsValue(
(touched, validating) => touched && validating,
const value = await form.getFieldValue('example');
const isToucheds = await form.isFieldsTouched(undefined, true);
const isTouched = await form.isFieldTouched('example');
const isValidating = await form.isFieldValidating('example');
const data = await form.validateFields();
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
console.log('data is array', data);
} else console.log(data);
title="Control Value"
onPress={async () => {
name: 'example',
value: 'example1',
touched: true,
validating: true,
form.setFieldValue('example', 'example1');
form.setFieldsValue({example: 'example1'});
export default Form.create(App);
// multiple Form
import React from 'react';
import Form, {Input} from '@form-rn/form';
import {Button} from 'react-native';
const App = () => {
const form1 = Form.useForm()
const form2 = Form.useForm()
const form3 = Form.useForm()
return (
<Form form={form1}>
<Form.Item name="example" initialValue="12" label="Example">
<Input placeholder="2" />
<Form form={form2}>
<Form.Item name="example" initialValue="12" label="Example">
<Input placeholder="2" />
<Form form={form3}>
<Form.Item name="example" initialValue="12" label="Example">
<Input placeholder="2" />
title="Control Value"
onPress={async () => {