Releases: League-of-Foundry-Developers/foundryvtt-forien-quest-log
Release 0.7.11
The minor 0.7.11
update brings to FQL:
- Corrects a new compatibility warning that came up w/ the 10.285 Foundry release.
- Provides workarounds for various misbehaving game systems.
- Refines the "show quest log to players" feature showing the players the specific quest status tab the GM currently
has selected. - Adds a Dutch language translation.
Release 0.7.10
This is a major release that brings dual compatibility on Foundry v9
& v10
Several quality of life improvements including:
- Quest document linking is enabled again.
- Show quest log to players link in quest log app header (for GM).
- Show quest tracker to players with icon in quest tracker header (for GM).
- Ability to set quest tracker to transparent via fill icon in app header.
- Expanded language / translation support.
Weblate setup for language / translation community
Release 0.7.9
- Disable synthetic quest type registration for Foundry
. As it turns outCONST
was locked down last
minute in the v9 release cycle. The feature affected is "document linking" for quests. Please refer to issue #6 for more information and a video / tutorial regarding this matter.
There is a replacement module / continuing the quest log that will enable this functionality again with a different implementation. You can join the
TyphonJS Discord server to get an announcement when the new module is available:
This release more or less finishes the main work of the 0.7.x
series of FQL.
The features released in this version are minor quality of life:
- Edge case in hook timing for Minimal UI module.
- QuestDetails is minimizable.
- QuestLog and QuestTracker open hooks accept a position object.
- Fix for Handlebars helpers to prevent module conflict with DF Architect
- Fix for image file names w/ parentheses in file path.
This release is a major quality of life update.
Quest Tracker overhaul
- Removed floating quest log.
- Quest tracker is now dockable / resizable.
- UI management
Macro Compendiums
- GM & Player macro compendiums.
- Most common macros to control FQL are pre-made and ready to drop in hotbar.
TinyMCE Corrections
- Default font in editor is the same when viewing quest.
- New smaller font sizes.
- Correct implementation for line spacing.
- Support for Whetstone.
- Support for Lib Themer (beta) / not officially released yet.
This release is a major quality of life update. There is deeper integration with Foundry allowing quests to be made into Notes on the canvas and many enhancements to the TinyMCE content editing capabilities.
- FQL journal entry opens quest details.
- Drag FQL journal entry or quest from quest log to canvas as a Note.
- Quest tracker / floating log can interact w/ objectives.
- Content entity linking in objectives / abstract rewards
- TinyMCE
- New fonts
- oEmbed plugin
- style border
- style drop shadow
- Styles
- Blend mode
- Border
- Filters
- Blur
- Drop Shadow
- Grayscale
- Float
- Fonts
- Neon
- Line height
- Margin
- Opacity
- Source Code Editing
- CSS selector
- background gradient
- background before / after