In this project, you will create an online directory of restaraunts in the city that you live.
- React
- Node with Express
- Leaflet
Given You are in the top level of your project
Then You have a api
folder that contains JSON data. This data can take whatever shape you desire, but it needs to contain the following key-value pairs:
- ID
- Name
- Cuisine
- Address
- Latitude and longitude
- Phone number
- Hours
- About
Given the server is running
When the user visits your API routes (e.g. http://localhost:5000
Then they see your JSON data display.
Given the server is running
When the user visits the home page (e.g. http://localhost:3000
Then a Leaflet map should be displayed, centered on your city.
And there should be pins for each restaurant in the database
And A list of all restaurants in a nav bar
And this page should be styled.
Given the user is on the homepage.
When they click on a pin or the restaurant's name in the nav bar.
Then the user should be redirected to a dedicated restaurant page.
Given a single restaurant (e.g. joes-diner
When the user visits http://localhost:3000/restaurant/joes-diner
Then they should see all of the information about that restaraunt on the page
Then the information is styled in a layout.
Given the id of a restaurant (e.g. joes-diner
When the user sees the restaurant's page (e.g. /restaurant/joes-diner
Then they see a Leaftlet map centered at that restaurant's location utilizing latitude and longitude.
Use React Router to dynamically rerender your application.
Enable a search feature so users can find restaraunts by different properties.
Create a contact form to submit user comments to the restaurant page which will then be displayed on that page.
Use a database or local storage to get the comments to persist across sessions.