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Gives the list of azure network interface IPs that are not allocated. While working with azure if you want to add static ip you need to know the ip beforehand which is not easy. You need to keep track of the ips allocated. This package does that for you without keeping track of ips using azure apis.


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Azure Vacant IPs

This package gives you the list of private ip address that are not allocated to any resource. This helps in below scenario. If you want to make an ip static in azure you need to specify the IPs, this means you have to manage the IPs by yourself. This package helps you by getting you the list of IPs that are not allocated and this saves you from cumbersome process of keeping track of IP addresses allowed.

Creating Network interfaces with dynamic ip is easy but for static ip address you need the ip that is not allocated.

Usage and how it works.


pip install azureips

You can import it to use it with your python program.

Importing in python application

from azureips.vacant_ips import VacantIP
vacant_ips = VacantIP(client_id, client_secret, subscription_id, tenant_id,
                 token_url, base_url, api_version, subnet, vnet, resource_group, count)
#base_url, api_version and token_url can be empty strings.

This will return an array of ips


client_id : Client id of the app generated in service principle

client_secret : Client Secret obtained from app



token_url: Not required

base_url: Not required

api_version: Not required

subnet: Subnet to search for unallocated IP

vnet: Vnet to which the subnet belongs

resource_group: Resource group in which vnet is present

count: Number of IPs that you want as output


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Gives the list of azure network interface IPs that are not allocated. While working with azure if you want to add static ip you need to know the ip beforehand which is not easy. You need to keep track of the ips allocated. This package does that for you without keeping track of ips using azure apis.







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