1- Why would I need this? I can already get notifications from the moodle website.
You wouldn't believe how bloated the university website is. Through special means, I can cache the content gotten from the university website and send it to you ~ 10x faster even in the worst case. Also, this is more than just a fast way to get notifications because this bot automatically reminds you of exams and other notifications that are a week away from their deadlines. That alone is enough to justify using (or even making) this bot.
2 - Why is it not working ?
This bot is hosted on my laptop, so I actually need to launch the bot for it to respond to commands.
⚠️ You can expect this bot to be available from 3PM-12AM. If you know another way to do this, please let me know. Otherwise, you can host your own instance of the bot in the personal version.
2 - How do I use this?
In order to get all commands as well as their aliases and a brief description of the command, type commands (or c) and the bot will interpret the command automatically
3 - This feature isn't working, when will you fix it?
I'll try my best to have my code working in the little amount of time that I have. However, you can expect me to be free in the weekends, so contact me at mys239@student.bau.edu.lb via outlook if it is urgent, but please post logs with your help request if possible.
4 - Do you accept feature requests?
Absolutely, the more challenging and fun the better. I don't know what more you could do with a bot like this, but if you have any ideas let me know
5 - How can I contribute?
All of the code I use is freely available in this repository, make sure to send me a pull request if you feel the need to change anything, see the section below for building and setting up an instance of this bot
- Autocorrects any misspelled command and prompts the user to either accept or reject the correction.
- Filter announcements by subject code, name, or type(exam, lab , etc...) , and/or get the most recent notifications.
- Search for keywords in all notifications.
- Reminds you of any important exams or projects that are 1 week away from their deadline.
- Sends you all the zoom and meeting links that have been sent in a text file.
- Get all unsolved homework on Moodle.
- Extremely quick speeds.
Aliases are a way to call a command without typing out the full command. For example, sending h or help to the group chat will execute the help command.
If you ever want to host this bot for contribution (or independent development purposes), a guided init.py helper will display a dialogue to fill the required data for you. Note that your moodle password and username are required because it can't access every notification ever. However, most students in the same year share the same subjects so getting your notifications will be of use to them too.
NOTE: This is currently not possible at the moment, but it should be in the near future.
The startup script will take some time at first, don't worry that means it's working.