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ASP.NET Core APIs for an advanced online hotel booking system. Including the Login Page, Home Page, Search Results, Hotel Details, Secure Checkout, and Admin Management.

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Your Next Adventure Awaits - Explore Our Travel and Accommodation Solutions! πŸš€πŸŒπŸŒŸ

Overview πŸ’₯

This project is a comprehensive hotel booking platform designed to provide users with a seamless experience in searching for hotels, viewing detailed information, and making secure bookings. The platform features an advanced search capability, personalized recommendations, and a secure checkout process. For administrators, there is a dedicated interface for managing cities, hotels, and rooms, with functionalities for creating, updating, and deleting entries. User authentication is handled securely through JWT, ensuring robust role-based access control and a maintainable system architecture.

Functional Requirements And Non-Functional Requirements

πŸ—‚ Database Schema Design


Key Features 🌟

1.πŸ”’ User Authentication

  • Secure login page with JWT-based authentication.
  • Role-based access control for different user permissions.

2.πŸ” Advanced Search Functionality

  • Central search bar for finding hotels and cities.
  • Interactive calendar for selecting check-in and check-out dates.
  • Adjustable controls for specifying the number of adults, children, and rooms.

3.πŸ“ˆ Personalized Recommendations

  • Featured deals highlighting special offers on selected hotels.
  • Display of recently visited hotels based on user history.
  • Trending destinations showcasing the most popular cities.

4.🀝 Comprehensive Search Filters

  • Filters for price range, star ratings, amenities, and room types.
  • Infinite scroll for browsing hotel listings.

5.🏠 Detailed Hotel Pages

  • High-quality image gallery with fullscreen viewing.
  • Detailed information about the hotel, including reviews and an interactive map.
  • Room availability and selection with the option to add rooms to the cart for booking.

6.βœ… Secure Checkout Process

  • Collection of user information and payment details.
  • Booking confirmation with details, printable options, and email notifications.

7.βš™οΈ Admin Management Interface

  • Easy navigation and management of cities, hotels, and rooms.
  • Search filters and detailed grids for administrative tasks.
  • Forms for creating and updating cities, hotels, and rooms.

8.πŸ”§ API Design and Management

  • RESTful APIs for all functionalities with clear documentation.
  • Robust error handling and logging for debugging and monitoring.

9.πŸ› οΈ Performance and Scalability

  • Efficient data handling for optimized performance.
  • Scalable architecture to support growing user and data demands.

10.🎯 Comprehensive Testing

  • Unit testing, integration testing, and API testing to ensure reliability and performance.
  • CI/CD pipeline for automated testing and deployment.

🌐 API Endpoints

User Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
POST /api/auth/register Create a new user account with username, password, and email. All
POST /api/auth/login Authenticate a user and generate a token if credentials are valid. All

Role Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
POST /api/auth/assign-role Assign a role to a user identified by their email address. Admin

Token Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
POST /api/token/revokeToken Revokes the specified token and removes it from the user's refresh tokens. User or Admin

Detailed Endpoint Description:

  • POST /api/token/revokeToken
    • Description: Revokes the specified token and removes it from the user's refresh tokens.
    • Request Body:
        "token": "string"  // The token to be revoked
    • Responses:
      • 200 OK: If the token was successfully revoked.
      • 400 Bad Request: If the token is invalid or could not be revoked.
    • Authorization: Requires user or admin authentication.

Owner Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
GET /api/owner/{id} Retrieve an owner by its unique identifier. All
POST /api/owner Create a new owner. Admin
PUT /api/owner/{id} Update an existing owner. Admin
DELETE /api/owner/{id} Delete an existing owner. Admin
GET /api/owner Retrieve all owners. All

City Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
POST /api/city Add a new city. Admin
GET /api/city Retrieve cities with optional filtering by name and description. All
GET /api/city/{id} Retrieve a city by its unique identifier, with optional hotels. All
PUT /api/city/{id} Update the information of an existing city. Admin
DELETE /api/city/{id} Delete an existing city. Admin
GET /api/city/{cityId}/hotels Retrieve hotels for a specific city. All
POST /api/city/{cityId}/hotels Add a hotel to a specific city. Admin
DELETE /api/city/{cityId}/hotel/{hotelId} Remove a hotel from a specific city. Admin
POST /api/city/{cityId}/upload-image Upload an image for a specific city. Admin
DELETE /api/city/{cityId}/delete-image/{publicId} Delete an image from a specific city. Admin
GET /api/city/{cityId}/images Get all images for a specific city. All

Hotel Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
POST /api/hotel Add a new hotel. Admin
GET /api/hotel Retrieve hotels with optional filtering by name and description. All
GET /api/hotel/{id} Retrieve a hotel by its unique identifier. All
PUT /api/hotel/{id} Update the information of an existing hotel. Admin
DELETE /api/hotel/{id} Delete an existing hotel. Admin
GET /api/hotel/{hotelId}/rooms Retrieve rooms for a specific hotel. All
POST /api/hotel/{hotelId}/rooms Add a room to a specific hotel. Admin
DELETE /api/hotel/{hotelId}/room/{roomId} Remove a room from a specific hotel. Admin
POST /api/hotel/{hotelId}/upload-image Upload an image for a specific hotel. Admin
DELETE /api/hotel/{hotelId}/delete-image/{publicId} Delete an image from a specific hotel. Admin
GET /api/hotel/{hotelId}/images Get all images for a specific hotel. All
POST /api/hotel/{hotelId}/amenities Add an amenity to a specific hotel. Admin
DELETE /api/hotel/{hotelId}/amenities/{amenityId} Remove an amenity from a specific hotel. Admin
GET /api/hotel/{hotelId}/amenities Get all amenities for a specific hotel. All
GET /api/hotel/{id}/rating Get the review rating of a specific hotel. All

Amenity Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
GET /search-results/amenities Retrieve all available amenities. Includes details like name, description, and associated room classes. All

Booking Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
POST /api/booking/confirm Confirm a booking and send a confirmation email. Requires booking confirmation data. All
GET /api/booking/{id} Retrieve a booking by its unique identifier. Admin
POST /api/booking/create Create a new booking. Requires user email in the token for identification. All
PUT /api/booking/{id}/Update_status Update the status of a booking. Requires user email in the token. User

Home Page Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
GET /api/homepage/trending-destinations Get the top 5 most visited cities with details. All
GET /api/homepage/search Search for hotels based on various criteria such as city name, star rating, number of rooms, and dates. All

Invoice Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
POST /api/invoice Creates a new invoice record. Admin
GET /api/invoice/{id} Retrieves a specific invoice record by ID. All
GET /api/invoice/by-booking/{bookingId} Retrieves all invoice records for a specific booking. All
PUT /api/invoice/{id} Updates an existing invoice record. Admin
DELETE /api/invoice/{id} Deletes an invoice record. Admin

Review Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
POST /api/review Creates a new review. Requires 'User' role. User
GET /api/review/{id} Retrieves a review by its ID. All
PUT /api/review/{id} Updates an existing review. Requires 'User' role. User
DELETE /api/review/{id} Deletes a review by its ID. Requires 'Admin' role. Admin

Room Class Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
POST /api/roomclass Creates a new room class. Requires 'Admin' role. Admin
GET /api/roomclass/{id} Retrieves a specific room class by ID. All
PUT /api/roomclass/{id} Updates an existing room class. Requires 'Admin' role. Admin
POST /api/roomclass/{roomClassId}/addamenity Adds an amenity to a specific room class. Requires 'Admin' role. Admin
DELETE /api/roomclass/{roomClassId}/amenities/{amenityId} Deletes an amenity from a specific room class. Requires 'Admin' role. Admin
GET /api/roomclass/{roomClassId}/amenities Retrieves all amenities for a specific room class. All
POST /api/roomclass/{roomClassId}/rooms Adds a new room to a specific room class. Requires 'Admin' role. Admin
GET /api/roomclass/{roomClassId}/rooms Retrieves all rooms for a specific room class. All
DELETE /api/roomclass/{roomClassId}/rooms/{roomId} Deletes a specific room from a room class. Requires 'Admin' role. Admin
POST /api/roomclass/{roomClassId}/upload-image Uploads an image for a specific room class. Requires 'Admin' role. Admin
DELETE /api/roomclass/{roomClassId}/delete-image/{publicId} Deletes an image from a specific room class. Requires 'Admin' role. Admin
GET /api/roomclass/{roomClassId}/image/{publicId} Retrieves details of an image associated with a specific room class. All

Room Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
GET /api/room/by-price Retrieves rooms within a specific price range. All
GET /api/room/{id} Retrieves a specific room by ID. All
POST /api/room/{roomId}/upload-image Uploads an image for a specific room. Requires 'Admin' role. Admin
DELETE /api/room/{roomId}/delete-image/{publicId} Deletes an image from a specific room. Requires 'Admin' role. Admin
GET /api/room/{roomId}/image/{publicId} Retrieves details of an image associated with a specific room. All
GET /api/room/available-without-bookings Retrieves available rooms with no bookings. All

Discount Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
POST /api/discount Adds a new discount to a room. Admin
PATCH /api/discount/{id} Updates a discount by ID. Admin
GET /api/discount Retrieves a list of all available discounts. All
GET /api/discount/{id} Retrieves the details of a specific discount by ID. All
DELETE /api/discount/{id} Deletes a discount by ID. Admin
GET /api/discount/active Retrieves a list of currently active discounts. All
GET /api/discount/top-discounts Retrieves a list of rooms with the highest active discounts. All

Image Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
POST /api/image/{entityType}/{entityId}/upload-image Uploads an image for a specific entity (e.g., room, hotel) using the entity type and ID. Admin
GET /api/image/images/{type} Retrieves all images associated with a specific entity type. User or Admin
DELETE /api/image/delete-image/{publicId} Deletes an image by its PublicId. Admin
GET /api/image/details/{publicId} Retrieves details of an image by its PublicId. User or Admin

Hotel Amenities Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Authorization
GET /api/hotelAmenities Retrieve amenities by hotel name with optional pagination. Admin, User
GET /api/hotelAmenities/all Retrieve all amenities by hotel name. Admin, User
PUT /api/hotelAmenities/{amenityId} Update a specific amenity by its ID. Admin

Layered architecture

Clean Architecture It achieves this by separating the application into different layers that have distinct responsibilities:


1. Domain Layer

Contains the core business logic and domain entities. This layer is independent of other layers and focuses on the business rules and domain models.


  • Entities: Represent the core data models. For example, User, Role, Hotel, Room, Booking.
  • Value Objects: Define immutable objects used within the domain. For example, Address, Money.
  • DTOs (Data Transfer Objects): Define the data structures used for communication between the application layer and the API layer. For example, UserDto, BookingDto.
  • Domain Repository: Implement business logic that does not naturally fit within an entity. For example, DiscountRepository.

2. Infrastructure Layer

Provides implementations for data access, external services, and other system-level concerns. This layer interacts with databases, file systems, and external APIs.


  • Repositories: Implement data access logic and interact with the database. For example, UserRepository, HotelRepository.
  • Data Context: Manages database connections and operations. For example, AppDbContext.
  • Configurations: Manage configurations for external services and data access.

3. Application Layer

Orchestrates the application's workflow, coordinates interactions between domain models and infrastructure, and handles application-specific logic.


  • Services: Implement application-specific logic and use domain services and repositories to perform operations. For example, UserService, BookingService.
  • Application Interfaces: Define contracts for services and repositories. For example, IUserService, IBookingService.
  • External Services: Handle interactions with third-party services. For example, image storage services, payment gateways.

4. API Layer

Exposes endpoints for client interaction and handles HTTP requests and responses. This layer is responsible for routing, validation, and transforming data between the application layer and clients.


  • Controllers: Handle incoming HTTP requests, invoke application services, and return responses. For example, UserController, BookingController.
  • Middlewares: Implement cross-cutting concerns such as authentication, authorization, and logging.
  • Response Handlers: Standardize API responses and error handling. For example, ResponseHandler.

Image Storage

Cloudinary Integration

Cloudinary is used for managing and storing images in the Hotel Booking Platform. It provides a scalable, secure, and feature-rich solution for image storage and transformation.


We add account informations on appsettings.json and create an entity whose name is CloudinarySettings.


1. Image Upload

  • Endpoint: POST /api/image/upload

2. Image Retrieval

  • Endpoint: GET /api/image/details/{publicId}

3. Image Deletion

  • Endpoint: DELETE /api/image/delete-image/{publicId}

πŸ“© Booking Confirmation

Once a booking is confirmed, users receive an email containing the details of their reservation. Below is an example of the booking confirmation email that users receive:


πŸ”‹πŸͺ« Testing Frameworks

Ensuring code quality and functionality with comprehensive testing suites using:

  • xUnit: A popular .NET testing framework that facilitates writing and executing unit tests with a focus on simplicity and extensibility. βœ…
  • Moq: A powerful mocking library for .NET that allows creating mock objects for unit testing, enabling isolated and controlled test scenarios. πŸ§ͺ
  • FluentAssertions: A library that provides a more expressive and readable syntax for assertions, making tests easier to write and understand. πŸ“
  • Fixture: A testing concept used to set up shared contexts for multiple test cases, allowing for efficient and consistent test execution. 🧩

Design Patterns

In the Hotel Booking Platform, several design patterns are employed to ensure a clean, maintainable, and scalable architecture. Here’s a summary of the key patterns used:

1. Unit of Work Pattern

The Unit of Work pattern is used to manage changes to multiple entities in a single transaction. This pattern ensures that changes to the database are handled in a single unit, maintaining data consistency and integrity.


2. Generic Repository Pattern

The Generic Repository pattern provides a way to manage CRUD operations in a consistent and reusable manner. This pattern abstracts the data access layer and provides a generic implementation for common operations.


πŸ•°οΈ Project Management

Use of Trello for Task Management


Setup Guide

1. System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 10 or higher, macOS, or Linux
  • Software: .NET Core SDK 6.0 or later, Node.js (if applicable), Docker (if using containers)
  • Hardware: Minimum 4 GB RAM, 2 CPU cores

2. Clone the Repository

git clone
cd Travel-and-Accommodation-Booking-Platform

3. Configure appsettings.json

Open the appsettings.json file located in your project directory and configure the connection string for SQL Server. Replace the <connection_string> placeholder with your SQL Server connection string:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "SqlServer": "<connection_string>"

πŸ›Ÿ Contact and Support

If you have any questions or comments about the project, please feel free to contact me at

πŸ… Acknowledgements

I extend my sincere gratitude to Foothill Technology Solutions for granting me the opportunity to participate in this internship cycle. Their unwavering support has been instrumental throughout the development of this project.


Thank you for your interest. I look forward to hearing from you! πŸ₯³


ASP.NET Core APIs for an advanced online hotel booking system. Including the Login Page, Home Page, Search Results, Hotel Details, Secure Checkout, and Admin Management.







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