Welcome to Hexatella! Hexastella is a hack and slash game, where the player takes on the role of a robot on their path to defeating a strange alien creature. The Player must dodge, dash and block the enemy’s abilities to survive the fight, HexaStella is set in a distant future, where humanity relies on their system of Battle Robots to protect them from hostile alien forces.
G64 is an assassin class robot patrolling her assigned route, when she is alerted of a hostile presence approaching earth. After raiding the ship she comes face to face with the Alien Xenandros, a scout sent by his people, to assess the earth’ security measures. G64 must defeat Xenandros to protect earth from him and the rest of his kind.
Hillary Ocando, Jaxon Stevens and Maren Engelhardt.
Watch Our Hexastella Youtube Trailer Here: https://youtu.be/gLf8vxtlZ-k
Unity 3D and C#, Maya, Photoshop and ZBrush.
Download The Full Windows Game via VFS Arcade: http://community.vfs.com/arcade/game/hexastella
Direct Download Link: http://projects.myvfs.com/Games/GD45/Hexastella.zip
Learn More On Our Website: http://www.hexastella.com
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