Custom implementation of the RSA-Algorithm. Used for fundamental understanding of the RSA algorithm and generation of prime numbers.
Functions to deal with generating prime numbers
# Generate a prime number with length n bits
# Generate a number with length n bits that is coprime with every prime up to 1000
# Miller-Rabin-Test on n, optional argument: number of rounds
miller_rabin_passed(n, k)
# Get_low_level_prime and miller_rabin_passed combined to
# get a strong pseudoprime of length n bits
# Optional argument: number of rounds
get_prime(n, k)
Implementation of the RSA algorithm.
# Generate a pair of public/private keys with length n bits
# Modular inverse, used to caluclate the private key
mod_inverse(a, m)
# Same as
pow(a, -1, m)
# Encrypt a number using a public key
encrypt(num, public_key)
# Decrypt a number using a private key
decrypt(cipher, private_key)
Express string as number, then encrypt/ decrypt using a key pair
# Print only first and last n digits of a string or int
# Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet -> Lorem... amet (26)
# Encrypt a string by converting it to a custom integer representation
encrypt(msg, public_key)
# Decrypt an integer and return it as a string
decrypt(msg, public_key)
- Figure out, why maximum text length for 2048 bit key is 205
- Implement padding to prevent "Textbook-RSA"-attacks
- Use different, more known encoding like ASCII