Client for Pokedex project made in ReactJS (Server on Heroku)
You can see it working here.
The app must have 4 pages:
- Landing Page:
- A landing image widh a button to enter.
- Search Page:
- Search Page to find by exact name of pokemon
- first 12 must be shown by default
- pokemon can be filtered by type or by base
- navigation must be by pages.
- Detail Page:
- When a pokemon is clicked must redirect to a detail page where an image, type and stats (life, height, weight, power, defense, and speed) can be seen.
- Creation Page:
- A pokemon can be created in this page.
- Types can be selected from a menu.
- Images must be set using a url.
- Pokemon must be saved in database.
- Landing Page (/): Pokedex on landing page is made using pure CSS.
- Search Page (/pokedex):
- Size of page can be set from main view.
- A big sized pokemon can be seen at full PC screen width when mouse is over the pokemon card. For created pokemon, this image is the same that Main image.
- Detail Page (/pokedex):
- Included an icon to be shown in pokdedex. When icon is missing, it's a miniature of the main image.
- Included a back view. When back image is missing, it's a shadow of the main image.
- Included the stats from the games and called them by their name.
- The background changes depending on pokemon type.
- Creation Page (/pokedex):
- Stats are limited. The six combat stats must add up to 600 or less.
- The images are displayed when the url is set.
- A log of errors are displayed at bottom of the page (bottom left in desk view).
- If there is no errors, the create button is shown in the same box.