Lib for API Rest developed using Java. Its purpose is to serve as a lib to make it easier to provide and serve data with JPA from any API that uses it as a framework.
Import the dependency in your project. POC example
@Table(name = "car")
public class Car extends BaseEntity {
public interface CarRepository extends BaseRepository<Car> {
public class CarService extends BaseRestServiceImpl<Car, CarRepository> {
private CarRepository carRepository;
protected CarRepository getRepository() {
return carRepository;
protected Class<Car> getEntityClass() {
return Car.class;
public class AddressController extends BaseRestController<Car, CarService>{
private CarService carService;
public CarService getService() {
return carService;
Creating API entities (entities with the following mandatory fields: id; externalId; insertDate; updateDate; deleteDate; active)
@Table(name = "experiment")
public class Experiment extends BaseApiEntity {
public interface ExperimentRepository extends BaseApiRepository<Experiment> {
public class ExperimentService extends BaseApiRestServiceImpl<Experiment, ExperimentRepository> {
private ExperimentRepository experimentRepository;
protected ExperimentRepository getRepository() {
return experimentRepository;
protected Class<Experiment> getEntityClass() {
return Experiment.class;
public class ExperimentController extends BaseApiRestController<Experiment, ExperimentService>{
private ExperimentService experimentService;
public ExperimentService getService() {
return experimentService;
@Table(name = "user_account")
public class User extends BaseApiEntity implements AuthEntity {
public class ExperimentService extends BaseApiRestServiceImpl<Experiment, ExperimentRepository> {
private ExperimentRepository experimentRepository;
protected ExperimentRepository getRepository() {
return experimentRepository;
protected Class<Experiment> getEntityClass() {
return Experiment.class;
protected ExternalIdGenerator getExternalIdGenerator() {
return new MyExternalIdGenerator();
The API accepts filters, sorting, aggregation functions, grouping and field projection. For authentications, it uses JWT.
The available options of filters to be applied:
Equals: "=eq=" or "=" (may be used to compare if value is equal to
) -
Less than or equal: "=le=" or "<="
Greater than or equal: "=ge=" or ">="
Greater than: "=gt=" or ">"
Less than: "=lt=" or "<"
Not equal: "=ne=" or "!=" (may be used to compare if the value is other than
) -
In: "=in="
Out: "=out="
Like: "=like="
Logical operators in the url:
- AND: "_and_" or just ";"
- OR: "_or_" or just ","
filter = [field1=value,field2=like=value2;field3!=value3...]
The Projection follows the following syntax, and the json response will only have with the specified fields:
projection = [field1, field2, field3...]
The Sorting follows the following syntax (where sortOrder
may be asc
or desc
sort = [field1 = sortOrder, field2 = sortOrder...]
GroupBy follows the following syntax (groupBy does not accept projections parameters and is expected to be used along with an aggregation function):
groupBy = [field1, field2, field3...]
It performs Sum function in the specified fields, and follows the following syntax:
sum = [field1, field2, field3...]
It performs function of Avg in the specified fields, and follows the following syntax:
avg = [field1, field2, field3...]
It performs Count function in the specified fields, and follows the following syntax:
count = [field1, field2, field3...]
It performs Count Distinct function in the specified fields, and follows the following syntax:
countDistinct = [field1, field2, field3...]
"message":"Error parsing projections of filter [unknownField]"
- offset (DEFAULT_OFFSET = 0)
- limit (DEFAULT_LIMIT = 20 and MAX_LIMIT = 100)