Ironbar is designed to support anything from a lightweight bar to a full desktop panel with ease.
Wiki | Configuration Guide | Style Guide
✨ Looking for a starting point, or want to show off? Head to Show and tell ✨
- First-class support for Sway and Hyprland, and partial support for Niri
- Fully themeable with hot-loaded CSS
- Popups to show rich content
- Ability to create custom widgets, run scripts and embed dynamic content (including via Lua)
- Easy to configure anything from a single bar across all monitors, to multiple different unique bars per monitor
- Support for multiple config languages
Ironbar can be installed from source or using your preferred package manager.
It is also recommended to install a Nerd Font for displaying symbols.
Ensure you have the build dependencies installed.
cargo install ironbar
yay -S ironbar-git
nix-shell -p ironbar
A flake is included with the repo which can be used with Home Manager.
Example usage
# Add the ironbar flake input
inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
inputs.ironbar = {
url = "github:JakeStanger/ironbar";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
}; = {
url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = inputs: {
homeManagerConfigurations."USER@HOSTNAME" = {
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux;
modules = [
# And add the home-manager module
# And configure
programs.ironbar = {
enable = true;
config = {};
style = "";
package = inputs.ironbar;
features = ["feature" "another_feature"];
CI builds are automatically cached by Garnix. You can use their binary cache by following the steps here.
dnf copr enable victorvintorez/tilingtools
dnf install ironbar
xbps-install ironbar
Ensure you have the build dependencies installed.
git clone
cd ironbar
cargo build --release
# change path to wherever you want to install
install target/release/ironbar ~/.local/bin/ironbar
By default, all features are enabled. See here for controlling which features are included.
Once installed, you will need to create a config and optionally a stylesheet in .config/ironbar
See the Configuration Guide and Style Guide for full details.
Ironbar can be launched using the ironbar
environment variables can be set
to change console and file log verbosity respectively.
You can use any of error
, warn
, info
, debug
or trace
These default to IRONBAR_LOG=info
Note that you cannot increase the file log verbosity above console verbosity.
Log files can be found at ~/.local/share/ironbar/.log
Ironbar is an alpha project. It is unfinished and subject to constant breaking changes, and will continue that way until the foundation is rock solid.
If you would like to take the risk and help shape development, any bug reports, feature requests and discussion is welcome.
I use Ironbar on my daily driver, so development is active. Features aim to be stable and well documented before being merged.
All are welcome, but I ask a few basic things to help make things easier. Please check here for details.
- Waybar - A lot of the initial inspiration, and a pretty great bar.
- Rustbar - Served as a good demo for writing a basic GTK bar in Rust
- Smithay Client Toolkit - Essential in being able to communicate to Wayland
- gtk-layer-shell - Ironbar and many other projects would be impossible without this
- Mixxc - Basis for Ironbar's PulseAudio client code and a cool standalone volume widget.