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Discord bot for Warface Tournaments


RoleKeeper is a bot specificly designed to handle Warface Discord tournament servers. Its main features are:

  • Auto-assignment of team captain and group roles based on an CSV file (exported from esports site);
  • Creation of chat channels used for guided pick & ban sequence (bo1, bo2, bo3);
  • Broadcast of events from and to match chat channels (match room created, streamed match, pick&ban results).

It was successfuly used in the June Fast Cup (JFC 2017) with over 100 teams, first Warface Tournament ever ran on Discord. It has been used and polished ever since.


Here is a quick demonstration (from 2017) of what Rolekeeper does:

Discord usage

The bot has a chat-command interface. A command starts with a ! (bang sign) followed by the command name, a space and then the command arguments.

Team captains commands

A Team captain is a member imported using the !add_captain or !start_cup commands.

  • !ban map, bans map map from the map list available in the pick & ban sequence. map is case-insensitively matched at 80% with available maps. A shortcut - is available (e.g. -pyramid to ban map Pyramid);
  • !pick map, same as !ban excepts it is used to pick a map (best-of-3 only). A shortcut + is available (e.g. +d17 to pick map D17);
  • !side side, chooses the side, either attack or defense. A shortcut = is available (e.g. =wf to take Warface side). There is also !defend and !attack as shortcuts.

Note: The above commands are only available in a match chat channel created by the bot itself.

Referees commands

A judge referee is a member with the role roles/referee

  • !say #channel message..., makes the bot say message... in channel. Note that channel has to be a valid chat-channel mention. If no message... is given, one can attach a file;
  • !bo1 @teamA @teamB [>cat] [cup] [new/reuse] (Both first arguments have to be existing Discord role mentions, team names or Discord captain mention);
    1. Creates a chat room named match_teamA_vs_teamB (with transliteration);
    2. If >cat is given, creates the channel in the cat channel category where cat has to be given in servers/.../categories/;
    3. Broadcast the fact the channel was created in rooms servers/.../rooms/match_created;
    4. Gives permissions to teamA and teamB roles to write in the chat room;
    5. Starts a best-of-1 map pick & ban sequence (6xban, 7th is a pick, side);
    6. Team captains are invited to type !ban map, !pick map or !side side one after the other;
    7. Prints the summary of elected maps and sides;
    8. Broadcast the results in rooms servers/.../rooms/match_starting. Note: When a match already exists for the 2 teams, the bot will ask to either add reuse or new in the command. Otherwise, these arguments should never be given to avoid mistakes.
  • !bo2 @teamA @teamB ..., same as !bo1 excepts it creates a best-of-2 chat channel (ban, ban, pick, pick, side);
  • !bo3 @teamA @teamB ..., same as !bo1 excepts it creates a best-of-3 chat channel (ban, ban, pick, pick, ban, ban, 7th is a pick, side);
  • !add_captain @captain teamA nickname group|- [cup], add captain to the captain database (for cup cup), assign the captain, team and group roles and rename the captain to the one defined in the CSV file. Argument group is mandatory, but if no group is required, use - (dash);
  • !update_captain @captain nickname [cup], updates a captain discord ID using his nickname as a lookup in the database;
  • !remove_captain @captain [cup], remove a captain from the captain database (for cup cup), reset its nickname, remove the assigned roles.
  • !add_group group [cup], add group to the group database. Here group should correspond to {} in roles/group (e.g. Group {}). The Discord role for that group has to exist;
  • !remove_group group [cup], remove a group from the group database.
  • !ban, !pick and !side commands (see Team captains) are available to referees so that they can test or bridge team captains choice if they are not in Discord server;
  • !undo, to go back 1 step in the pick & ban sequence;
  • !close, to close a pick & ban sequence (can be reopenned with !undo).

Note: The cup argument is optional if there is only 1 cup running. Else it is mandatory.

Streamers commands

A streamer is a member with the role roles/streamer

  • !stream match_id [@streamer], will broadcast the information that match_id will be streamed by the one executing the command. Rolekeeper provides match_id to channels servers/.../rooms/match_created which streamers should have access to. The bot will also give visibility (read only) to the streamer on the match room if servers/.../streamer_can_see_match is true. If the optional @streamer argument is given (valid Discord mention) then it will be used in place of the command author.

Admins commands

An admin is a member with Discord permission manage roles, someone that has access to the config.json file and bot launch.

  • !check_cup cup [// CSV], takes the attached CSV and builds a report of missing members or invalid Discord IDs. If the command was already used and we just want to run the check with the same database, the attached file is optional;
  • !start_cup cup [maps_key] [// CSV], same as !check_cup but actually imports the captains and teams, and start assigning the roles. Same as !check_cup, if there was already a CSV given to check, the attached CSV file is optional. Once !start_cup is used, the scratchpad is emptied. If maps_key is given, use this one as the map pool key instead of the default one for the server;
  • !stop_cup cup, wipes out teams, captains and matches, then unregisters the cup from the database;
  • !start_hunt cup [#channel], to use a channel as an automatic !update_captain one: Each captain can write their team name or registered nickname and the bot will automatically use it to update the captain discord;
  • !check_captain @captain, to check if a captain is recognized as a captain by the bot;
  • !update_cup cup // CSV, to bulk update groups/discords;
  • !update_team oldname newname, to change a team's name;
  • !stop_hunt cup, to stop from seeing the channel as a captain hunt;
  • !broadcast on/off, to enable broadcast notifications globally;
  • !reconfig, to reload the configuration file without restarting the bot;
  • !members, will generate a CSV of all members in the Discord server;
  • !captains [cup], will generate a CSV of all captains in a format that is compatible with !start_cup;
  • !stats [cup], will generate a CSV of pick&bans statistics;
  • !wipe_matches all/rooms/finished [cup], will either remove all match chat channels created from DB and Discord (all), all but only from Discord (rooms) or only from Discord the ones that are finished (finished) ;
  • !wipe_messages #channel, will remove all non-pinned messages in channel. Note that channel has to be a valid chat-channel mention.


Rolekeeper requires Python >=3.5. Entrypoint is, which takes an optional 1st argument, the configuration file. By default, no argument given means Rolekeeper will look for the file config.json.


~/rolekeeper/$ ./


~/rolekeeper/$ ./
Using default configuration file path: `config.json`

How to install

This project requires Python >=3.5 as it uses extensively the Python Discord API. It is recommended to run it in a Python virtualenv and install dependencies with pip.

  1. Clone the project
$ git clone
$ cd RoleKeeper
  1. Create a virtual env
$ python -m venv env
$ source ./env/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Go to Discord application registration page and create an app with a bot.

    In there, enable "SERVER MEMBERS INTENT" in the "Priviledged Gateway Intents".

  2. Edit config.json and:

    1. Fill app_bot_token with the APP BOT USER token;
    2. Change or add a discord server with its member list;


    "app_bot_token" = "--redacted--",
    "servers" : {
        "My Discord server": {
            "db": "myserver",
  1. Invite the bot to the Discord server (replace BOT_CLIENT_ID with the one from the bot app page)

This link should give the following permissions:

  • Manage roles;
  • Manage nicknames;
  • Manage channels;
  • Manage messages;
  • Read message history;
  • Read/Send messages (+attach, +react, +embed).

Note: Make sure the bot role is just below the admin role (above the roles it manages)

  1. Create the mandatory roles in the Discord server (names can be changed in config.json):

Note: Make sure these roles are below RoleKeeper role in Discord role list so that it can manage them.

  1. Run RoleKeeper
(venv) $ python ./
  1. Create a members.csv file (see Member list section)

  2. Check the members for a cup (in Discord):

Levak: !check_cup mycup
  1. Start the cup (in Discord):
Levak: !start_cup mycup
  1. Create pick&ban rooms (in Discord):
Levak: !bo1  @noob team  @pro team
Levak: !bo2  @op team    @ez team
Levak: !bo3  @wp team    @gg team
  1. Fetch the pick&ban statistics and stop the cup (in Discord):
Levak: !stats mycup
Levak: !stop_cup mycup

Once everything is setup, the only things to repeat are steps 8 to 12.


The bot is configurable at startup with the file config.json. This file defines all the variable parameters supported by RoleKeeper, such as role names, member list path per guilds, broadcast lists, etc.

Here is an example of configuration file:


    "app_bot_token": "--redacted--",

    "roles": {
        "referee": { "name": "Referees" },
        "streamer": { "name": "Streamers" },
        "captain": { "name": "{} Captains", "color": "0xf1c40f" },
        "group": { "name": "Group {}" },
        "team": { "name": "{} team", "color": "orange" }

    "maps": {
        "ptb": [ "Yard", "D-17", "Factory", "District", "Destination", "Palace", "Pyramid" ],
        "test": [ "Lorem", "Ipsum", "Dolor", "Sit", "Amet", "Consectetur", "Adipiscing" ]

    "guilds": {
        "June Fast Cup": {
            "db": "jfc",
            "default_maps": "ptb",
            "rooms": {
                "match_created": [ "jfc_streamers" ],
                "match_starting": [ "bot_referees", "jfc_streamers" ]
            "streamer_can_see_match": true,
            "categories": {
                "A": "Referee A",
                "B": "Referee B"

        "JFCtest": {
            "db": "jfctest",
            "default_maps": "test",
            "rooms": {
                "match_created": [ "streamers" ],
                "match_starting": [ "referees", "streamers" ]

Role type


String. Name of the role. The role may support formating string, in such cases, use {} to indicate the location where the formatting will happen (e.g. {} team will become Foobar team for team Foobar).


String. Color of the role in Discord. The format may be hexadecimal (e.g. 0xFFFFFF) or the name of the color (e.g. orange).


String. Token for the bot. Go to Discord application page, click on your application, then create a bot for the application and expand the APP BOT TOKEN.


String. ID of the emote to use for loading operations. Can be ommited and no loading emoji will be used. In order to add a custom loading emoji, add an animated emoji to a server the bot has access to (e.g. this one ), right click on it, "Open image in a new tab" and copy the digit part of the URL.


Role. Role used for Judge referees.


Role. Role used for Streamers/Casters.


Role. Role used for Team captains. Formatted with the cup name.


Role. Role used for the Team Groups. Formatted with the group ID.


Role. Role used for the Team names. Formatted with the team name.


Dict of List of String. All the available maps for the pick & ban sequences indexed by "key". May contain any number of maps per key. "key" is used to reference a map pool in !start_cup and in guilds/.../default_maps.


String. Name of the persistent storage DB on the disk (unique per server).


String. Key referencing the map pool defined in maps/....


List of String. Channels that will receive match creation notifications, when either !bo1 or !bo3 is used.


List of String. Channels that will receive match start notifications, when ever the pick & ban sequence has ended.


Boolean. If true, then when creating a match, a streamer that uses the !stream command will be able to see (read-only) the said rooms. Useful when the streamer needs to see the pick&ban sequence, or know when/if the match is about to start.


Dict of String. Discord channel category shortcuts. e.g.

"categories": {
    "A": "Referee A",
    "B": "Referee B"

And then use it like this:

!bo1 @xxx @yyy >A
!bo1 @zzz @www >B

Member list

RoleKeeper heavily relies on members.csv files that contain all team captains Discord ID, team name, group and IGN. Based on such file, the bot is able to rename, create the team role, and assign it to the team captain whenever he joins the Discord server.

A member.csv file can be remotely uploaded via Discord to the bot using the !check_cup or !start_cup command (attach the file to the Discord message).

A members.csv file has to be in the following format (comma separated values, # for comments):



Note: The first line of the members.csv file has to contain column names that match the ones in the above example. That is, discord, team_name, nickname and group. There can be other columns with other names, these will be ignored.

The above member list makes RoleKeeper wait for any server join from ezpz#4242, gg#2424 and noob42#777 on the Discord server the command was ran on.

For instance, once ezpz#4242 joins the server, he will be:

  • Renamed to AllProsAboveMe;
  • Assigned roles TestCup Captains, Group A and Noobs team.

CAUTION: NEVER MANUALLY ASSIGN TEAM ROLES TO CAPTAINS. The bot uses its own database to know who is and who isn't allowed to use captain commands. A team captain can only be added using the !add_captain and !start_cup (bulk) commands. Do not try to give the Discord roles manually to them. You may think the captain is now allowed to see the room, but he will be unable to pick or ban maps.


  • It is recommanded to create a chat channel #bot_commands that both bot and referees can see and talk in order to enter all bot commands. It will ease command tracking and prevent spam in lobby channels.

  • Groups are useful to separate teams among referees. A referee handles one and only one group, until the brackets merge. At this point, some referees lose the responsability of their group. It is recommanded to create chat channels like #group_a where members with role Group A are able to read/send messages. When the groups merge, referees can manually assign the new group role to the affected team captains.

Esports driver

Driver specific to and to automatically start pick & ban rooms based on available matches.

Note: This is outdated as the websites merged into which has its own online pick-ban system.


Admin commands

  • !sync_cup cup http://cup_url [>cat], to start the synchronisation;
  • !desync_cup cup, to stop the synchronization.


The following fields are added into the configuration file:

  "driver": {
    "refresh_period": 60,
    "max_advance": 3600,
    "utc_offset": 0


Integer. Refresh rate of the driver in seconds.


Integer. Maximum advance to take before creating a match.


Integer. Offset in hours of the parsed times.


  • Reparse members.csv or provide a more dynamic way of adding team captains at the last-minute
  • Cross-server non-interference (When the bot is invited in several Discord guilds, it will run on the same member list)
  • Take config.json as parameter
  • Configurable role names and list
  • Configurable map list
  • Forward pick & ban results in a room for a new Streamer role
  • Add !stream command for a new Streamer role to notify matches are streamed
  • Handle unicode team names in order to create valid Discord chat channel names.
  • Add !setup for admin to create all channels and required roles (first time install).
  • Add !wipe_match_rooms for admin to remove all match chat rooms.
  • Add !wipe_team_roles for admin to remove all team captain roles.
  • (idea) Import members.csv directly from esports website
  • (idea) Automatically launch !bo1/!bo3 based on info from esports website
  • (idea) Handle match result gathering (with vote from both teams)
  • Add progress for long operations, e.g. !refresh, !wipe_teams, !wipe_matches
  • Add CSV upload instead of static memberlist.
  • Support multiple cups at the same time, e.g. !start_cup x and !stop_cup x
  • Regroup match chat rooms by categories (new Discord feature, requires new
  • Export pick/ban stats command, or on !stop_cup
  • !export_members to export server member list
  • !unstream x to cancel !stream x.
  • !undo to undo a !ban or !pick
  • unlimited and dynamid map pools instead of just 7 maps
  • Replace Esports Driver with a Toornament Driver