The Gamingonlinux news site source code. This code is meant for GOL and isn't really suitable for use on other sites, nor was it designed with other sites in mind.
Please read first: The entire codebase is probably a mess, as it was started years ago and tons needs updating for standards, newer PHP versions etc. It was started as a learning experience for Liam and still is to this day. Remember this before making any smart-arsed comments ;) (helpful pointers, patches and so on highly appreciated!)
If you like what I do please consider Patreon or Liberapay.
If you discover a security issue, PLEASE notify us privately first!
I will consider rewarding people who properly report security issues with games from their service of choice (while I have money, otherwise I will keep you in a list for when I have money to do so).
This site requires atleast PHP 7, Mysql 8 or MariaDB 10.2.2 and apache 2.4.
It is also required to have the following php extentions available:
- BC Math
- Curl
- GD
- Iconv
- Json
- Mysql
- Composer
If you're putting it live on a server where you can't use "allow_url_fopen" then you can do this workaround as an example:
$ which composer /usr/local/bin/composer
$ php -d allow_url_fopen=on /usr/local/bin/composer install
You should really have these set, to make cookies more secure:
- session.cookie_httponly = 1
- session.use_only_cookies = 1
- session.cookie_secure = 1 (If you have an SSL cert)
Setup LAMP (Apache, PHP and MySQL).
with this (fill your details):
"DB_HOST_NAME" => "",
"DB_USER_NAME" => "",
"DB_PASSWORD" => "",
Import the development SQL database from the stripped SQL file tools/SQL.sql
Eventually I will do an actual installer...
- Run "composer install" inside the main directory to pull in the PHP library dependencies
You also need apache rewrite turned on like so:
<Directory /your/local/site>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
And also adjust your htaccess "AccessFileName" to ".htaccess.testing" (as this doesn't include www. and secure site stuff you won't have locally), you can do so like this:
ServerName www.example.local
DirectoryRoot /your/local/site
AccessFileName .htaccess.testing
Leave the existing user group IDs 1-6 in place, removing them will cause issues. Consider those reserved for normal function.
I do not like shorthand PHP, I like it to be as descriptive and easy to understand as possible!
Please put braces on a new line, I think it looks cleaner and helps define different sections.
Indents: Use tabs (4 characters long) not spaces!
Various cron jobs are needed to keep it all running smoothly, below are the files and suggested times:
- includes/crons/remove_temp_uploads.php (removes left-over temp tagline uploads, once a day)
The GOL site source is MIT licensed, but we also use other scripts which use different licenses:
/includes/jscripts/select2/ (APACHE 2/GPL)
/includes/jscripts/qTip2/ (MIT)
/includes/jscripts/Pikaday/ (MIT/BSD)
/includes/jscripts/fancybox/ (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0)
/includes/jscripts/jquery.form.min.js (MIT/GPL)
/includes/jscripts/clipboard ( MIT)
Gallery avatars ( Public Domain)
/includes/jscripts/Chart.min.js ( MIT)
/includes/datatables/ ( MIT)
/includes/jscripts/cocoen/ ( MIT)
/includes/jscripts/sorttable.min.js ( MIT)
If you want to know what you can put in a chart.js tooltip:
str = JSON.stringify(tooltipItem, null, 4); // (Optional) beautiful indented output. console.log(str); // Logs output to dev tools console. alert(str); // Displays output using window.alert()