Ur beatha an clachan!
Within you will find some data-oriented projects in the biological and geosciences. Biological oceanography, microbial ecology, species distribution models and some machine learning tools are considered.
Ur beatha an clachan!
Within you will find some data-oriented projects in the biological and geosciences. Biological oceanography, microbial ecology, species distribution models and some machine learning tools are considered.
Classifying holographic plankton images with 4 pre-trained, state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks. Includes stratified k-fold cross validation, evaluation metrics, and plotting tools.
Micro-mesoplankton groups imaged on the Newfoundland Shelf (Nov-Dec, 2019)
Plotting 2019 AZMP sampling stations using open-access bathymetry data
Forked from dianahaider/normalization_pipeline
Basic compositional microbiome data analysis pipeline workflow