Pokedex made with Vue.js
This project was made for a job application. The company asked me to make a Pokédex using Vue.js, and taking info from the PokeAPI at https://www.pokeapi.co/ which has a lot of JSON files about the Pokémon series. They sent me a Figma web design to show me the UI they're asking for, and so I followed it to make this app.
The app shows you the available Pokemon from the https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon JSON file. You can mark them as favorite, see their info and search them at a search bar in the top of the screen.
I also used jQuery to take from the JSON only the necessary info, so I don't the one I would not use and the app had run slower than it should.
You are completely free to use the code as you wish.
Also you can try it at https://libertifer.github.io/VuePokedex