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Fix failed assertion "value >= 0" in o3tl::make_unsigned
...after b294590 "Avoid explicit casts to smaller sal_uInt16 from larger long": As Mike Kaganski reported at < message-bc3d33b177eecba4255e299ac92c2f0c1712b57d>, clicking on "Templates" in the start center causes the assert to fire at > #3 0x00007ffff6296a66 in __GI___assert_fail > #4 0x00007fffe6b11df8 in _ZN4o3tl13make_unsignedIlEENSt9enable_ifIXsr3stdE11is_signed_vIT_EENSt13make_unsignedIS2_E4typeEE4typeES2_ (value=-1) at include/o3tl/safeint.hxx:233 > #5 0x00007fffe6ad75f6 in ThumbnailView::SelectItem(unsigned short) (this=0x61a0000fc680, nItemId=1) at sfx2/source/control/thumbnailview.cxx:1011 > #6 0x00007fffe6ade62c in ThumbnailView::GetFocus() (this=0x61a0000fc680) at sfx2/source/control/thumbnailview.cxx:838 > #7 0x00007fffc27c292b in vcl::Window::CompatGetFocus() (this=0x61a0000fc680) at vcl/source/window/window.cxx:3895 > #8 0x00007fffc226604e in vcl::Window::ImplGrabFocus(GetFocusFlags) (this=0x61a0000fc680, nFlags=GetFocusFlags::NONE) at vcl/source/window/mouse.cxx:378 > #9 0x00007fffc2738071 in vcl::Window::GrabFocus() (this=0x61a0000fc680) at vcl/source/window/window.cxx:3029 > #10 0x00007fffe6c4a529 in BackingWindow::ClickHdl(Button*) (this=0x6190005e8880, pButton=0x61800031a080) at sfx2/source/dialog/backingwindow.cxx:585 > #11 0x00007fffe6c3c1eb in BackingWindow::LinkStubClickHdl(void*, Button*) (instance=0x6190005e8880, data=0x61800031a080) at sfx2/source/dialog/backingwindow.cxx:535 > #12 0x00007fffc2937f72 in Link<Button*, void>::Call(Button*) const (this=0x61800031a328, data=0x61800031a080) at include/tools/link.hxx:111 > #13 0x00007fffc291c13c in Button::Click()::$_0::operator()() const (this=0x7fff8c0ce0a0) at vcl/source/control/button.cxx:123 when mnFirstLine and mnVisLines are both 0. (And nNewLine is 0 because nItemPos is 0. An alternative fix might be to replace else if ( nNewLine > o3tl::make_unsigned(mnFirstLine+mnVisLines-1) ) with else if ( nNewLine >= o3tl::make_unsigned(mnFirstLine+mnVisLines) ) but that would then set mnFirstLine = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nNewLine-mnVisLines+1); to 1 instead of leaving it at 0, which is probably not wanted.) Change-Id: I5b61cd25d52048e2cb2cf64f646d8ba9dd10adb7 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Stephan Bergmann <>
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