Releases: LibrePDF/OpenPDF
Releases · LibrePDF/OpenPDF
OpenPDF 1.1.0
OpenPDF 1.1.0 has been released! OpenPDF is a free Java library for creating and editing PDF files with a LGPL and MPL open source license. The new version contains these changes:
- Bouncy Castle version 1.60 is now an optional dependency.
- Always create Pdf with empty pages and support of certification chain in signature.
- Add Closeable to PdfReader, to allow try-with-resources.
- New text extraction option for plain text, and misc fixes.
- Add a deprecated method to keep binary compatibility with itext-4.2.0.
- Fix to make the decoder work better with highly corrupted TIFFs.
- Watermarker enhancements.
- HTML parser fix.
- Extract text from forms.
- Modifications made by TIBCO Software for JasperReports >= 6.2.
Update to the latest OpenPDF version by using this in your pom.xml file:
OpenPDF 1.0.5
OpenPDF 1.0.5 has been released. This is a patch release with couple of bugfixes and code cleanup.
- #44 Updated bouncycastle to 1.58.
- #48 Generified some collections where easily applicable.
- #49 Ensure Java 7 compatibility.
- #50 AssertJ dependency should have test scope.
- #52 Fix: Floating point format was incorrect for extracted text.
- #56 Fix for CVE-2017-9096 iText XML External Entity Vulnerability.
OpenPDF 1.0.4
OpenPDF 1.0.4 has been released. This is a patch release with a bugfix from the branch of @tlxtellef, the fix is for loading of transparent Tiff images.