Releases: LibtraceTeam/libprotoident
Libprotoident 2.0.15
- Adds 5 new protocols
- Adds a new category for industrial control systems
- Improves the rules for another 6 existing protocols
- Adds 2 new API methods (
Full details can be found at
Libprotoident 2.0.14
Adds 17 new application protocols and improves the rules for a further 18.
Added new category for educational applications.
Added new API method (lpi_get_protocol_by_name()
) to allow protocol lookups using the name string (such as "HTTP").
Full details can be found at
Libprotoident 2.0.13
Adds 43 new application protocols and improves the rules for a further 35.
Added new category for message queuing applications.
Fixed some errors in the modules for the 4D, The Division and Heroes of the Storm protocols.
Payload attached to a TCP RST is now no longer used for classification purposes.
Libprotoident 2.0.12
Adds 26 new protocols and improves or extends the rules for 33 other protocols. Also added 3 new file signatures.
Added new category for IP Cameras and moved some existing protocols into this category.
Fixed minor memory leak.
Libprotoident 2.0.11
New libprotoident release. Adds a large number of new protocols and updates the tools to be compatible with parallel libtrace (and libflowmanager 3).
The tools are NOT backwards compatible with older versions of libtrace or libflowmanager -- upgrading these dependencies will be required.
See for full details on what has changed in this release.