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  • The etaHEN SDK is a collection of tool open source tools and samples for developing for etaHEN, requires the PS5SDK
  • The etaHEN SDK has support for dynamic linking with libraries available in the libs folder
  • Any ELF or Plugin made with this SDK is already jailbroken, no code required

etaHEN ELFs vs Plugins

  • ELFs: are meant for single use payload-like programs where they run a single task (like showing hwinfo in a notification, etc) then exit, requires the elfldr (HEN-V) plugin
  • Plugins: are daemons that are meant to run the whole time the console is on in the background


  • Plugins can be loaded by etaHEN automatically from either /mnt/usb<number>/etaHEN/plugins or internally from /data/etaHEN/plugins when etaHEN is first ran (HENV not required) or by the etaHEN toolbox (HENV plugin or Itemzflow 1.07+ required)
  • Plugins located in the etahen > plugins folder on USB root are given priority over internally installed plugins in /data/etaHEN/plugins
  • Duplicate Plugins are ignored by etaHEN on startup (but are listed in the toolbox's plugin section), etaHEN also checks if the plugin title id is already running
  • Plugins can be killed and ran via etaHEN's toolbox
  • each plugin has its own title id and version defined in the plugins CMakeLists.txt file as follows
set(PLUGIN_VERSION "9.99")
  • libhijacker provides plugins with tools to modify processes


  • The elf loader will listen on port 9022. This is to prevent conflicts with the elf loader used to start etaHEN.
  • Payloads are run as an app local process (subprocess) by HEN-V (elfldr.plugin).
  • Up to 6 payloads may be running simultaneously. This may be extended to 15 in the future if editing the budget becomes possible.
  • All payloads have a default sighandler installed automatically for signals that will cause abnormal termination. If a payload crashes, even though they are separate processes, SysCore will terminate the entire application and all running local processes. The default sighandler is as follows; if you don't like it, install your own.
static void default_handler(int sig) {
    (void) sig;
    kill(getpid(), SIGKILL);


  • Commands may be sent to HEN-V from a payload or application.
  • Full details and examples are shown in

Kernel Read/Write Server

  • For processes which may need kernel r/w that were started from an alternate userland entrypoing (bdj, webkit, masticore, etc) kernel r/w may be requested by sending the following to port 1338.
typedef struct kernelrw_request {
    int pid;
    int master;
    int victim;
} kernelrw_request_t;
  • The master and victim sockets must be configured properly prior to making the request. An example of how to prepare the sockets is shown below.
int configure_sockets(int *restrict master, int *restrict victim) {
    const size_t IN6_PKTINFO_SIZE = 20;
    *master = -1;
    *victim = -1;
    *master = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
    if (*master == -1) {
        return -1;
    *victim = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
    if (*victim == -1) {
        *master = -1;
        return -1;
    uint32_t buf[] = {IN6_PKTINFO_SIZE, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_TCLASS, 0, 0, 0};
    if (setsockopt(*master, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
        *master = -1;
        *victim = -1;
        return -1;
    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
    if (setsockopt(*victim, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_PKTINFO, NativeMemory.addressOf(buf), IN6_PKTINFO_SIZE)) {
        *master = -1;
        *victim = -1;
        return -1;
    return 0;
  • The response from the server will be as follows:
typedef struct kernelrw_response {
    uintptr_t kernel_base; // will be 0 if an error occured
    uint32_t error_length; // includes the NULL terminator
    char error[error_length];
} kernelrw_response_t;


  • If you have a list of people who helped with everything to get this far, add it. Otherwise, you know who you are.


SDK for building ELFs & Plugins for etaHEN







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