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A systematic assessment of deep learning methods for drug response prediction: from in-vitro to clinical application

├─dependencies # Environment required
│      crdnn_env.yml
│      drugcell_env.yml
│      moli_env.yml
│      paccmann_env.yml
│      tgsa_env.yml
│      vaen_env.yml
│      vaen_r_env.yml
├─hyper_grid # Hyperparameters search grid
│      hypergrid_crdnn.json
│      hypergrid_drugcell.json
│      hypergrid_moli.json
│      hypergrid_paccamnn.json
│      hypergrid_tgsa.json
│      hypergrid_vaen.json
└─utils # Utility scripts # Implement of benchmark metrics
        GDSCrel82_BinaryIC50.R # Script for binarization of IC50s # Generate NWPC weights # Generate molecular graphs from SMILES strings 

Methods for assessments

The environments and hyperparameter grids used in this study are available on \dependencies and \hyper_grid.

Paradigm Tumor feature Drug feature Repository
DrugCell1 MDL M Morgan FP
TGSA3 MDL Ea, M, C Molecular graph
MOLI6 SDL Ea, M, C -

MDL: Multi Drug Learning; SDL: Single Drug Learning
E: expression profiles; M: mutation status; C: Copy number variation; FP: Fingerprint; SMILES: Simplified Molecular-Input Line-Entry System
a: z-score standardization
b: rank normalization


  • GDSC

    • Cell line genomic data were downloaded from Cell Model Passports
    • Drug response data were downloaded from GDSC bulk data dowload (release-8.2)
  • CCLE

    • Cell line genomic data and drug response data were downloaded from DepMap portal (2021Q4)
  • TCGA

    • Clinical response were curated by Ding et al.7 and downloaded from it portal.
    • Cell line genomic data were downloaded from GDC client.
  • Bortezomib

    • Patients with relapsed myeloma enrolled in phase 2 and phase 3 clinical trials of bortezomib.8
    • Gene expression data were downloaded from GEO:GSE9782.

The curated datasets are available on

Benchmark Metrics

The nine metrics are adapted from Chen et al.9 and the implement is available on utils\

Metrics Range Based on Formula
Root-mean-square error (RMSE) R+ Value $$RMSE(\boldsymbol{y,\hat{y}}) = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i}(y_i-\hat{y}_i)^2}{n}}$$
L-RMSE, R-RMSE, LR-RMSE R+ Value l_rmse
Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) [-1,1] Value $$PCC(\boldsymbol{y,\hat{y}})=\frac{\sum_i(\hat{y}_i - \mu(\boldsymbol{\hat{y}}))(y_i - \mu(\boldsymbol{y}))}{\sqrt{\sum_i(\hat{y}_i - \mu(\boldsymbol{\hat{y}}))^2}\sqrt{\sum_i(y_i - \mu(\boldsymbol{y}))^2}}$$
Spearman Correlation Coefficient (SCC) [-1,1] Rank $$SCC(\boldsymbol{y,\hat{y}})=PCC(\boldsymbol{r(y),r(\hat{y})})$$
Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG) [0,1] Rank $$DCG(\boldsymbol{y,\hat{y}}) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{2^{-y_i}}{\log_2 (r(\hat{y}_i)+1 )}$$
$$NDCG(\boldsymbol{y,\hat{y}}) = \frac{DCG(\boldsymbol{y,\hat{y}})}{DCG(\boldsymbol{y,y})}$$
Probabilistic C-index (PC), Normalized Weighted Probabilistic C-index (NWPC) [0,1] Rank pc
$$erf(a) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int_0^a e^{-t^2} dt$$
$$WPC(M) = \frac{\sum_{d} w_d \cdot PC_d}{\sum_{d} w_d}$$
$$NWPC = \frac{WPC - WPC_{min}}{WPC_{max} - WPC_{min}}$$
ROC-AUC [0,1] Value ROC-AUC provides an aggregate measure of performance across all possible classification thresholds

$y$: the observed response values; $\hat{y}$: the predicted response values; $n$: the number of samples; $r(\hat{y}_i)$ is the position of $\hat{y}_i$ on the sorted $\hat{y}$ in ascending order.


Assessment on cell line data

1. Data Preparation

  • Transcriptome profiles: GDSC_EXP.csv

    • For PaccMann, TGSA, CRDNN and MOLI, gene expression matrix was z-score standardization.
    • For VAEN, gene expression matrix was rank normalization.
  • Mutation profiles: GDSC_MUT.csv

  • Copy number profiles: GDSC_CNV.csv

  • Chemical representations:

    • SMILES: GDSC_drugannot.txt CanonicalSMILESrdkit

    • Morgan Fingerprints:

      from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
      mfp_ls =
          ) for smiles in mfp['CanonicalSMILESrdkit']
    • Molecular Graph:

      from utils import smiles2graph
  • Drug Response: GDSC_DR.txt

    • The script for binarization of IC50s: utils\GDSCrel82_BinaryIC50.R.

2. Model Construction

Multi Drug Learning (MDL)


  • $D$, a set of labeled tuples;
  • $t$, the number of repeats (default: 5);
  • $k$, the number of folds for cross-validation (default: 5);
  • $p$, the number of hyperparameters combination (default: 30);
  • a MDL model.
for i = 1 to t do
	stratify D on the tissue origin into k folds, $D = (D_1,...,D_k)$
	for j = 1 to k do
		take the $D_j$ as test set
		take the $D_{(j+1) \% k}$ as validation set
		take the remaining folds as training set
		apply max-min transformation of IC50s on training, validation and test set
		for n = 1 to p do
			select a random combination from hyperparameter grid
			use training set to derive a model, $M_n$
			use validation set to evaluate $M_n$
			retain the evaluation score, Pearson correlation coefficient
		select the combination of hyperparameter with the highest evaluation score
		use training and validation set to fit the model
		return the predicted results on test set

Single Drug Learning (SDL)


  • $D$, a set of labeled tuples;
  • $t$, the number of repeats (default: 5);
  • $k$, the number of folds for cross-validation (default: 5);
  • $d$, the number of drugs in the dataset;
  • $p$, the number of hyperparameters combination (default: 30);
  • a SDL model.
for i = 1 to t do
	stratify D on the tissue origin into k folds, $D = (D_1,...,D_k)$
	for j = 1 to k do
		take the $D_j$ as test set
		take the $D_{(j+1) \% k}$ as validation set
		take the remaining folds as training set
		apply max-min transformation of IC50s on training, validation and test set
		for m = 1 to d do
			sample test set with drug m to obtain drug specific test set
			sample validation set with drug m to obtain drug specific validation set
			sample training set with drug m to obtain drug specific training set
			for n = 1 to p do
                select a random combination from hyperparameter grid
                use training set to derive a model, $M_n$
                use validation set to evaluate $M_n$
                retain the evaluation score, Pearson correlation coefficient
            select the combination of hyperparameter with the highest evaluation score
            use training and validation set to fit the model
            return the predicted results on drug specific test set

3. Model Assessment

  • Concatenate each fold to generate the list for assessment in the format of ['drug','true', 'predict','binary_response','repeat_fold','cell_line','repeat']

  • Overall performance

import pandas as pd
from utils import benchmark_metrics as bcm
df # result dataframe in the form of ['drug','true', 'predict','binary_response','repeat_fold','cell_line','repeat']
overall_performance = pd.DataFrame(
    'PCC': bcm.pearson_corr(df[['repeat_fold','true', 'predict']]), 
    'SCC': bcm.spearman_corr(df[['repeat_fold','true', 'predict']]), 
    'RMSE': bcm.rmse(df[['repeat_fold','true', 'predict']]), 
    'L_RMSE': bcm.l_rmse(df[['repeat_fold','true', 'predict']]), 
    'R_RMSE': bcm.r_rmse(df[['repeat_fold','true', 'predict']]), 
    'LR_RMSE':bcm.lr_rmse(df[['repeat_fold','true', 'predict']]), 
    'NDCG':bcm.ndcg(df[['repeat_fold','true', 'predict']]),
    'NWPC': bcm.norm_wpCIdx(df[['repeat_fold','true', 'predict']])
  • Performance on single-drug level
import pandas as pd
from utils import benchmark_metrics as bcm
df # result dataframe in the form of ['drug','true', 'predict','binary_response','repeat_fold','cell_line','repeat']
singledrug_performance = {
    'PCC': df.groupby('repeat')[['drug','true', 'predict']].apply(bcm.pearson_corr), 
    'SCC': df.groupby('repeat')[['drug','true', 'predict']].apply(bcm.spearman_corr), 
    'RMSE': df.groupby('repeat')[['drug','true', 'predict']].apply(bcm.rmse), 
    'L_RMSE': df.groupby('repeat')[['drug','true', 'predict']].apply(bcm.l_rmse), 
    'R_RMSE': df.groupby('repeat')[['drug','true', 'predict']].apply(bcm.r_rmse), 
    'LR_RMSE':df.groupby('repeat')[['drug','true', 'predict']].apply(bcm.lr_rmse), 
    'ROC_AUC':df.groupby('repeat')[['drug','binary_response', 'predict']].apply(bcm.roc_auc),
    'NDCG':df.groupby('repeat')[['drug','true', 'predict']].apply(bcm.ndcg),
    'PC': df.groupby('repeat')[['drug','true', 'predict']].apply(bcm.pCIdx)

Assessment on clinical data

1. Data Preparation

1.1 Cell line data

  • Transcriptome profiles: GDSC_EXP.csv

    • For PaccMann, TGSA, CRDNN and MOLI, gene expression matrix was z-score standardization.
    • For VAEN, gene expression matrix was rank normalization.
  • Mutation profiles: GDSC_MUT.csv

  • Copy number profiles: GDSC_CNV.csv

  • Chemical representations:

    • SMILES: GDSC_drugannot.txt CanonicalSMILESrdkit

    • Morgan Fingerprints:

      from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
      mfp_ls =
          ) for smiles in mfp['CanonicalSMILESrdkit']
    • Molecular Graph:

      from utils import smiles2graph
  • Drug Response: GDSC_DR.txt

    • The script for binarization of IC50s: utils\GDSCrel82_BinaryIC50.R.

1.2 Patient data

  • Transcriptome profiles: TCGA_EXP.csv

    • For PaccMann, TGSA, CRDNN and MOLI, gene expression matrix was z-score standardization.
    • For VAEN, gene expression matrix was rank normalization.
    • ComBat 10 was used to adjust expression profiles of patients with the GDSC cell line dataset.
  • Mutation profiles: TCGA_MUT.csv

  • Copy number profiles: TCGA_CNV.csv

  • Chemical representations:

    • SMILES: TCGA_drugannot.txt CanonicalSMILESrdkit

    • Morgan Fingerprints:

      from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
      mfp_ls =
          ) for smiles in mfp['CanonicalSMILESrdkit']
    • Molecular Graph:

      from utils import smiles2graph
  • Drug Response: TCGA_DR.txt

2. Model Construction

Multi Drug Learning (MDL)


  • $D$, a set of labeled tuples;

  • $h$, a set of hyperparameters with the highest evaluation score;

  • a MDL model.

use D, h to fit the model M 
return the predicted results on patient data

Single Drug Learning (SDL)


  • $D$, a set of labeled tuples;

  • $h$, sets of hyperparameters with the highest evaluation score for each drug

  • $d$, the number of drugs in the dataset;

  • a SDL model.

for m = 1 to d do
	sample D to obtain drug specific dataset, $D_m$
	use $D_m$, $h_m$ to fit the model $M_m$
	return the predicted results on patient data

3. Model Assessment

  • Concatenate the result of each drug to generate the list for assessment in the format of ['drug', 'response_RS', 'response_01', 'predict']

  • Performance

import pandas as pd
from utils import benchmark_metrics as bcm
df # result dataframe in the form of ['drug', 'response_RS', 'response_01', 'predict']
singledrug_performance = {
    'pval': df.groupby('drug')[['response_RS', 'predict']].apply(bcm.wilcox_pval), 
    'effectsize': df.groupby('drug')[['response_RS', 'predict']].apply(bcm.effect_size), 

Citation: Please cite our paper if you find this benchmarking work is helpful to your research. Bihan Shen#, Fangyoumin Feng#, Kunshi Li, Ping Lin, Liangxiao Ma, Hong Li*. A systematic assessment of deep learning methods for drug response prediction: from in vitro to clinical applications. Briefings in Bioinformatics 24, 2 (2023).



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