😃 Hi, My name is KAROL
I am interested in 👀 programming, 3D design and 3D printing, prototyping. Some time ago I completed a post-graduate 💻 Front-End Developer with HTML CSS JavaScript with Angular at Merito WSB Wroclaw, took a monitoring program at Lowgular Academy, after which I got an internship.
I continue to gain front-end knowledge and build my portfolio with projects mostly focused on business improvement. -
My plans for future is to get more experience as fullstack and dive deeper into Angular world.
📫 How to reach me : e-mail, LinkedIn :, Tweeter :
Technology and tools | Subject | Link
Factory Manager, Angular, Firebase (Auth, Firestore) Bootstrap5 FactoryManger
ToDoList , Angular, Bootstrap5, rest-api todoist.com ToDoListApp
JavaScript OOP, Css, Html and Jira| Summator - app for easier calculations. | repo.
Angular, Angular Material, Angularfire, NgRx, Firebase | Course project FitnessApp link
Angular, Bootstrap@3 , NgRx, Firebase | Course project Recipebook link
React, Redux, Ant Design | Seat Reservation App | link
JavaScript | Flight ticket reservation app | repo
Css, Html | WebPage style guide template | link
- Web Components & Stencil.js - Build Custom HTML Elements by Max Schwarzmuller certificate
- JavaScript - Complete Cuide 2024 (Begginer + Advanced) by Maximilian Schwarzmuller certificate
- Angular - Angular (Full App) with Angular Material, Angularfire & NgRx by Max Schwarzmuller certificate
- Angular - The Complete Guide (2023 Edition) by Maximilain Schwarzmuller cedrtificate
- Complete Web Design: from Figma to Webflow to Freelancing by Vako Shvili certificate
- Python Is Easy certificate
- Keeping Up With the JavaScript certificate
- HTML5 and CSS3 certificate
States of accomlishments
- Intermediate Python link
- Python Fundamentals Track link
- Python DataScience Toolbox part 1 link
- Data Manipulation with Pandas link
Graph Developer - Associate - certificate
- Css certificate