A python3 program to filter BurpSuite log file.
- 可以按照域名过滤请求
- 可以自动过滤静态资源请求
- 可以自动按照模式过滤URL,即相同URL和参数的请求,只会留其一(参数值对于SqlMap没有什么作用)
Why I wrote this program?The powerful SqlMap accepts a BurpSuite log file to make batch anaylze,but the log of BurpSuite record everything,includes static resources,duplicated submits,which will reduce the efficiency of the analyze.So I wrote this utility to make:
- can filter with a hostname
- can filter static resources automatic
- can filter duplicated submits according to the url and params(the value of params is useless for SqlMap analyze)
Usage: python3 burplogfilter.py [options]
-h Show this showHelp
-f filepath The BurpSuite log to analyze
--host keyword, --host=keyword Host name filter
-v Show debug message
python3 burplogfilter.py -f /tmp/burp.log --host='google.com' > burp-proxy.log
sqlmap -l burp-proxy.log --batch -smart
ls /usr/local/Cellar/sqlmap/0.9_1/libexec/output/