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A pipeline that accurately simulates high quality publicly cancer genomes (VCFs, CNAs and SVs).


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A pipeline that accurately simulates high quality publicly cancer genomes (VCFs, CNAs and SVs) for eight different tumor types: Breast-AdenoCa, CNS-PiloAstro, Eso-AdenoCa, Kidney-RCC, Liver-HCC, Lymph-CLL, Panc-Endocrine and Prost-AdenoCa. OncoGAN offers a solution to current challenges in data accessibility and privacy while also serving as a powerful tool for enhancing algorithm development and benchmarking.

In addition to this pipeline, we have released 100 simulated VCFs for each of the eight studied tumor types, and that are availbale on HuggingFace and Zotero.


  1. Installation
  2. Generate synthetic VCFs
  3. Train new models
  4. DeepTumour


We have created three docker images with all dependencies installed as there are version incompatibility issues between the different modules:

  • Training -> Environment and scripts used to train OncoGAN models (CUDA)
  • Simulating -> Pipeline for synthetic tumor simulation (CPU only)
  • DeepTumour -> Algorithm developed to detect the tumor type of origin based o somatic mutations (Ref)

However, due to the size of the models, they couldn’t be stored in the Docker images and need to be downloaded separately (see Download models section below).


If you don't have docker already installed in your system, please follow these instructions.

# Training
docker pull oicr/oncogan:training_v0.2

# Simulating
docker pull oicr/oncogan:simulating_v0.2

# DeepTumour
docker pull oicr/oncogan:deeptumour


If you don't have singularity already installed in your system, please follow these instructions.

# Training
singularity build oncogan_training_v0.2.sif docker://oicr/oncogan:training_v0.2

# Simulating
singularity build oncogan_simulating_v0.2.sif docker://oicr/oncogan:simulating_v0.2

# DeepTumour
singularity build deeptumour.sif docker://oicr/oncogan:deeptumour

Download models

OncoGAN trained models for the eight tumor types and DeepTumour models can be found on HuggingFace and Zotero.

Generate synthetic VCFs

OncoGAN needs two external inputs to simulate new samples:

  1. The directory with OncoGAN models downloaded previously
  2. hg19 fasta reference genome without the chr prefix

The output is a VCF file (mutations), two TSV files (CNAs and SVs) and a PNG (CNA+SV plot) per donor. Since the PCAWG dataset used for training refers to the hg19 version of the genome, the new mutations are also aligned to that version. The integrated LiftOver version can be used to swicht to hg38.

Tumors with real profiles

# Docker command
docker run --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
           -v $(pwd):/home \
           -v /PATH_TO_HG19_DIR/:/reference \
           -v /PATH_TO_ONCOGAN_MODELS/:/oncoGAN/trained_models \
           -it oicr/oncogan:simulating_v0.2 \
           vcfGANerator -n 1 --tumor Breast-AdenoCa -r /reference/hs37d5.fa [--hg38]

# Singularity command
singularity exec -H ${pwd}:/home \
            -B /PATH_TO_HG19_DIR/:/reference \
            -B /PATH_TO_ONCOGAN_MODELS/:/oncoGAN/trained_models \
            /PATH_TO/oncogan_simulating_v0.2.sif \
            vcfGANerator -n 1 --tumor Breast-AdenoCa -r /reference/hs37d5.fa [--hg38]

The options for the vcfGANerator function are:

vcfGANerator --help

# Command to simulate mutations (VCF), CNAs and SVs for different tumor types using a GAN model

# Options:
#   -@, --cpus INTEGER      Number of CPUs to use  [default: 1]
#   --tumor TEXT            Tumor type to be simulated. Run 'availTumors'
#                           subcommand to check the list of available tumors that
#                           can be simulated  [required]
#   -n, --nCases INTEGER    Number of cases to simulate  [default: 1]
#   -r, --refGenome PATH    hg19 reference genome in fasta format  [required]
#   --prefix TEXT           Prefix to name the output. If not, '--tumor' option is
#                           used as prefix
#   --outDir DIRECTORY      Directory where save the simulations. Default is the
#                           current directory
#   --hg38                  Transform the mutations to hg38
#   --mut / --no-mut        Simulate mutations  [default: mut]
#   --CNA-SV / --no-CNA-SV  Simulate CNA and SV events  [default: CNA-SV]
#   --plots / --no-plots    Save plots  [default: plots]
#   --version               Show the version and exit
#   --help                  Show this message and exit

Tumors with custom profiles

To generate tumors with custom profiles, users can use the template, which contains a list of possible mutation types and signatures to simulate. If no CNA-SV are required, the cna-sv profile can be set to -.

# Docker command
docker run --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
           -v $(pwd):/home \
           -v /PATH_TO_HG19_DIR/:/reference \
           -v /PATH_TO_ONCOGAN_MODELS/:/oncoGAN/trained_models \
           -it oicr/oncogan:simulating_v0.2 \
           vcfGANerator-custom --template /home/template_custom_simulation.csv -r /reference/hs37d5.fa [--hg38]

# Singularity command
singularity exec -H ${pwd}:/home \
            -B /PATH_TO_HG19_DIR/:/reference \
            -B /PATH_TO_ONCOGAN_MODELS/:/oncoGAN/trained_models \
            /PATH_TO/oncogan_simulating_v0.2.sif \
            vcfGANerator-custom --template /home/template_custom_simulation.csv -r /reference/hs37d5.fa [--hg38]

The options for the vcfGANerator-custom function are:

vcfGANerator-custom --help

# Command to simulate mutations (VCF), CNAs and SVs for personalized tumors using a GAN model

# Options:
#   -@, --cpus INTEGER      Number of CPUs to use  [default: 1]
#   --template PATH         File in CSV format with the number of each type of
#                           mutation to simulate for each donor (template
#                           available on GitHub)  [required]
#   -r, --refGenome PATH    hg19 reference genome in fasta format  [required]
#   --outDir DIRECTORY      Directory where save the simulations. Default is the
#                           current directory
#   --hg38                  Transform the mutations to hg38
#   --mut / --no-mut        Simulate mutations  [default: mut]
#   --CNA-SV / --no-CNA-SV  Simulate CNA and SV events  [default: CNA-SV]
#   --plots / --no-plots    Save plots  [default: plots]
#   --version               Show the version and exit
#   --help                  Show this message and exit

Among all the options offered by docker (docker run --help), we recommend:

  • --rm: Automatically remove the container when it exits.
  • -u, --user: Specify the user ID and its group ID. It's useful to not run the pipeline as root.
  • -v, --volume: Mount local volumes in the container.
    • With the option -v $(pwd):/home/, OncoGAN results will be in your current directory.
  • -i, --interactive: Keep STDIN open even if not attached.
  • -t, --tty: Allocate a pseudo-TTY. When combined with -i it allows you to connect your terminal with the container terminal.

For singularity, the -H and -B options are analogous to -v docker option.

More options

List of available tumors:

docker run --rm -it oicr/oncogan:simulating_v0.2 availTumors

# or 

singularity exec /PATH_TO/oncogan_simulating_v0.2.sif availTumors

# This is the list of available tumor types that can be simulated using OncoGAN:
# Breast-AdenoCa          CNS-PiloAstro           Eso-AdenoCa             Kidney-RCC              
# Liver-HCC               Lymph-CLL               Panc-Endocrine          Prost-AdenoCA

Train new models

Files used to train OncoGAN models can be found HuggingFace and Zotero. The directory containing these files or your custom training files need to be mounted into the docker/singularity container.

We used two different training approaches:

  • CTAB-GAN+ -> To train donor characteristics, drivers, mutational signatures and CNA and SV features
  • CTGAN + TVAE -> To train genomic positions

Baseline command

The baseline command to run the docker/singularity container is the same for all the different training modalities:

docker run --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
           -v $(pwd):/home \
           -v /PATH_TO_TRAINING_FILES/:/inputs \
           -p 8890:8890 \ #Only for CTGAN/TVAE models
           -it oicr/oncogan:training_v0.2 --help

# or

singularity exec -H ${pwd}:/home \
            -B /PATH_TO_TRAINING_FILES/:/inputs \
            /PATH_TO/oncogan_training_v0.2.sif --help

# Options:
#   --help  Show this message and exit.

# Commands:
#   jupyter              Launches a jupyter lab instance
#   testHyperparameters  Test hyperparameters for counts/drivers CTABGAN...
#   trainCNA             Train a CTABGAN model for CNAs
#   trainCounts          Train a CTABGAN model for donor characteristics
#   trainDrivers         Train a CTABGAN model for driver features
#   trainMutations       Train a CTABGAN model for mutations
#   trainSV              Train a CTABGAN model for SVs
#   useModel             Use a CTABGAN model to generate synthetic data

CTAB-GAN+ models

trainCounts / trainDrivers / trainMutations / trainCNA / trainSV

Commands to train donor characteristics, drivers, mutational signatures and CNA and SV features models, respectively. The output will be a model and a simulated file with the same format and shape as the training file. All scripts have a very similar usage:

# Baseline command +
trainCounts --help

# Options:
#   --csv PATH                  CSV file with the counts used to train the model
#                               [required]
#   --prefix TEXT               Prefix to use to save the model  [required]
#   --outdir DIRECTORY          Directory where save the model  [default: /home]
#   --epochs INTEGER            Number of epochs  [default: 100]
#   --batch_size INTEGER        Batch size  [default: 20]
#   --test_ratio FLOAT          Test ratio  [default: 0.3]
#   --lr FLOAT                  Learning rate  [default: 0.0002]
#   --categorical_columns TEXT  Categorical columns. Comma separated with no
#                               space (e.g. x,y,z)
#   --log_columns TEXT          Log columns. Comma separated with no space (e.g.
#                               x,y,z)
#   --integer_columns TEXT      Integer columns. Comma separated with no space
#                               (e.g. x,y,z)
#   --no-tqdm                   Disable tqdm progress bar
#   --help                      Show this message and exit


Command to automatically test a combination of hyperparameters for donor characteristics (counts) and drivers models. The output will be a model and a simulated file for each hyperparameter combination.

# Baseline command +
testHyperparameters --help

# Test hyperparameters for counts/drivers CTABGAN models

# Options:
#   --cpu INTEGER                   Number of CPUs to use  [default: 1]
#   --function [counts|drivers]     Function to test hyperparameters for [required]
#   --csv PATH                      CSV file with the counts used to train the model  [required]
#   --prefix TEXT                   Prefix to use to save the model  [required]
#   --outdir DIRECTORY              Directory where save the model  [default: /home]
#                                   A list with an epoch range: start stop step
#   --batch_size <INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER>...
#                                   A list with a batch_size range: start stop step
#   --lr <FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT>...     A list with a learning rate range: start stop step
#   --categorical_columns TEXT      Categorical columns. Comma separated with no
#                                   space (e.g. x,y,z)
#   --log_columns TEXT              Log columns. Comma separated with no space
#                                   (e.g. x,y,z)
#   --integer_columns TEXT          Integer columns. Comma separated with no
#                                   space (e.g. x,y,z)
#   --debug                         Greater verbosity for debugging purposes
#   --help                          Show this message and exit

An example of how to specify the range of the hyperparameters to test would be:

# Baseline command +
testHyperparameters --cpu 1 --function counts --csv /inputs/counts/Breast-AdenoCa_counts.csv --prefix Breast-AdenoCa --epochs 100 500 20 --batch_size 10 30 5 --lr 0.001 0.01 0.001 --integer_columns DEL,DNP,INS,TNP,SBS1,SBS2,SBS3,SBS5,SBS8,SBS13,SBS18


Training commands return the model and a simulated file with the same format and shape as the training file. To generate more simulated files to check the performance of the model you can run the useModel command:

# Baseline command +
useModel --help

# Use a driver/count CTABGAN model to generate synthetic data

# Options:
#   --model PATH        Model to use for the simulations (counts/drivers) [required]
#   --outdir DIRECTORY  Directory where save the simulations [default: /home]
#   --nDonors INTEGER   Number of donors to simulate for each simulation [default: 1]
#   --nFiles INTEGER    Number of files to simulate  [default: 1]
#   --help              Show this message and exit


To train genomic position models using the CTGAN/TVAE approach we use a jupyter notebook inside the docker/singularity container. The output will be a model and a simulated file with the same format and shape as the training file.

The notebook with all the steps to train the models can be found here.

# Baseline command +
jupyter --help

# Launches a jupyter lab instance

# Options:
#   --port INTEGER  Port to launch jupyter lab on  [default: 8890]
#   --help          Show this message and exit.


DeepTumour is a tool that can predict the tumor type of origin based on the pattern of somatic mutations. We used a second version of this tool, that can predict 29 tumor types instead of 24, to validate that our simulations were correctly assigned to their training tumor type. We also trained a new model using a mix of real and synthetic donors, improving the overall accuracy of the model. Both the original and the new model are available on HuggingFace and Zotero. To use them:

docker run --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
           -v $(pwd):/home \
           -v /PATH_TO_DEEPTUMOUR_MODEL/:/DeepTumour/trained_models \
           -v /PATH_TO_HG19_DIR/:/reference
           -it oicr/oncogan:deeptumour --help

# or

singularity exec -H ${pwd}:/home \
            -B /PATH_TO_DEEPTUMOUR_MODEL/:/DeepTumour/trained_models \
            -B /PATH_TO_HG19_DIR/:/reference
            /PATH_TO/oncogan_deeptumour.sif --help

# Predict cancer type from a VCF file using DeepTumour

# Options:
#   --vcfFile PATH      VCF file to analyze [Use --vcfFile or --vcfDir]
#   --vcfDir DIRECTORY  Directory with VCF files to analyze [Use --vcfFile or --vcfDir]
#   --reference PATH    hg19 reference genome in fasta format  [required]
#   --hg38              Use this tag if your VCF is in hg38 coordinates
#   --keep_input        Use this tag to also save DeepTumour input as a csv file
#   --outDir DIRECTORY  Directory where save DeepTumour results. Default is the current directory
#   --help              Show this message and exit.


A pipeline that accurately simulates high quality publicly cancer genomes (VCFs, CNAs and SVs).







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