Chess Server that will provide restful APIs and a complete Web UI.
$ mvn clean package
This builds an executable jar file in the target folder. This jar file can now be started as:
$ java -jar chess-club-1.0.0.jar
The server is then listening on port 8080. This port can be overridden:
$ java -Dserver.port=8888 -jar chess-club-1.0.0.jar
The default configuration will start a volatile, in-memory database. This means that data will only live as long as the container is running.
docker run -p 80:80 chesscorp/chess-club
The embedded H2 database will allow you to without additional components. All data is stored on the filesystem in the /data folder of the container.
docker run \
-v /tmp/chess-database:/data \
-p 80:80 \
-e dbddl=update \
The chess-club application has also a built-in PostgreSQL driver. To use it, override environment variables:
docker run \
-p 80:80 \
-e dburl=jdbc:postgresql:// \
-e dbusername=<your database username> \
-e dbpassword=<your database password> \
-e dbdatabase=POSTGRESQL \
-e dbddl=update \
Our in-house automation scripts, docker-compose configurations and other stuff may be found in the ChessCorp/chess-club-automation repository.
MIT © Yannick Kirschhoffer