Reinforcement Learning (0.3.0)
UI/UX Improvements
Show additional danger-sense near boppie
Disabled spike rotation and blood in performance mode
Improved graphs by drawing lines instead of pixels in texture, graphs can be hidden
Neurons have colors based on their type, can now drag neurons
Show importance of neural network connections
Can now select different profiles for displaying neural network (weights or activations)
Added lakes, water requirement for boppies and neurons for detecting lakes
Boppie colors now represent: hue: dna, saturation: energy, luminance: water
Added reinforcement learning, where neural net weights are adjusted based on rewards
New neurons/senses
Terrain resistance sense below and ahead of boppie
Timer (time encoded in DNA)
A single large water ray for detecting water
Ally sense for detecting allies (same as danger sense)
Fixed major bug where each time a new boppie was spawned the AIs and NeuronTimers would become orphaned
Required boppie offspring energy depends on DNA
You can’t perform that action at this time.