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Portainer Templates

A compiled list of 500+ ready to go Portainer App templates


TL;DR Under Settings → App Templates in your Portainer GUI, paste this URL:



In Portainer, App Templates enable you to easily deploy services with a predetermined configuration, while allowing you to customize options through the web UI. While Portainer ships with some default templates (see portainer/templates), it's often helpful to have 1-click access to many more apps + stacks, without having to constantly switch template sources.

This repo combines app templates from several sources, to create a ready-to-go template file containing all the apps you'll ever need. It's also possible to self-host, as well as combine with your own custom templates.

You can browse all supported apps and stacks and see stats, config options and stand-alone installation commands for each, at


  1. Log into your Portainer web UI
  2. Under Settings --> App Templates, update the URL to
  3. Now under Home --> App Templates, you should see all apps. Click one to deploy.
Show me...

Alternatively, when you start Portainer, you can append the --templates flag pointing to the templates URL.


If you'd prefer to source templates locally, you can self-host with Docker - there's a sample NGINX container provided
Just run: docker run -p 8080:80 lissy93/portainer-templates (changing 8080 to a port of your choice)
You'll then be able to pass Portainer the template file located at http://[host]:[port]/templates.json

Alternatively, you can build the image yourself locally, with the following commands (if you're using your own fork, don't forget to switch lissy93 out for your username!)

git clone
cd portainer-templates
docker build -t portainer-templates .
docker run -d -p "8080:80" portainer-templates

If you're using your own template file, but don't want to fork this repository, you can instead simply pass your templates.json file to the above Docker container as a volume, with -v "${PWD}/templates.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/templates.json"


The template.json file is generated using the scripts in lib, using GitHub Actions. Running the make command will download all listed sources, parse them, and combine them with anything in the sources dir, outputting the templates.json file.
So, you only need to edit either the sources.csv file, or add your templates directly into the sources/ directory.

Adding a new Source

If you're maintaining your own list of Portainer templates, and would like them to be included, just add the URL to your template.json file to sources.csv, along with a name. When the action runs, it will download the content, parse it and add it to the final template.

Adding a Template / Template list

Alternatively, place your template file within the sources directory, and it will be automatically combined into the main template.json. Be sure that your template corresponds to Portainer's App Template JSON Format.

Validating Templates

There is a schema defined in Schema.json, which can be used to validate any Portainer template. Run make validate to ensure your template conforms to Portainer's App Template specification.

Maintaining your own Templates

If you'd like to use this repo as a base, but maintain your own list of template, just fork the repository, and update lissy93 with your username in the import URL.

Supported Apps and Stacks

↕️ Click to Expand ↕️

Click an item, to see stats, config options and installation instructions

  1. Activepieces -- (Report issues)
  2. Actual -- (Report issues)
  3. Adguard -- (Report issues)
  4. Adguard Home -- (Report issues)
  5. Adguardhome-Sync -- (Report issues)
  6. Airsonic -- (Report issues)
  7. Airsonic-Advanced -- (Report issues)
  8. Alpine Xfce4 Novnc -- (Report issues)
  9. Altus -- (Report issues)
  10. Ansible-Semaphore -- (Report issues)
  11. Apache Httpd -- (Report issues)
  12. Apprise-Api -- (Report issues)
  13. Appsmith -- (Report issues)
  14. Appwrite -- (Report issues)
  15. Archisteamfarm -- (Report issues)
  16. Archivebox -- (Report issues)
  17. Ardour -- (Report issues)
  18. Aria2 Pro -- (Report issues)
  19. Ariang -- (Report issues)
  20. Asciinema {Shmolf} -- (Report issues)
  21. Audacity -- (Report issues)
  22. Audiobookshelf -- (Report issues)
  23. Authelia -- (Report issues)
  24. Authentik -- (Report issues)
  25. Autobrr -- (Report issues)
  26. Babybuddy -- (Report issues)
  27. Baikal -- (Report issues)
  28. Bambustudio -- (Report issues)
  29. Baserow -- (Report issues)
  30. Bazarr -- (Report issues)
  31. Beets -- (Report issues)
  32. Beszel -- (Report issues)
  33. Bitwarden Rs -- (Report issues)
  34. Blender -- (Report issues)
  35. Blinko -- (Report issues)
  36. Boinc -- (Report issues)
  37. Booksonic -- (Report issues)
  38. Booksonic-Air -- (Report issues)
  39. Bookstack -- (Report issues)
  40. Broadlink Manager -- (Report issues)
  41. Budge -- (Report issues)
  42. Budibase -- (Report issues)
  43. Build-Agent -- (Report issues)
  44. Caddy -- (Report issues)
  45. Calibre -- (Report issues)
  46. Calibre Web -- (Report issues)
  47. Calligra -- (Report issues)
  48. Cardigann -- (Report issues)
  49. Castopod -- (Report issues)
  50. Changedetection -- (Report issues)
  51. Changedetection.Io -- (Report issues)
  52. Chevereto -- (Report issues)
  53. Chibisafe -- (Report issues)
  54. Chiefonboarding -- (Report issues)
  55. Chowdown -- (Report issues)
  56. Chromium -- (Report issues)
  57. Chrony Ntp -- (Report issues)
  58. Clamav -- (Report issues)
  59. Cloud Commander -- (Report issues)
  60. Cloud9 -- (Report issues)
  61. Cloudflare Ddns -- (Report issues)
  62. Cockpit {Shmolf} -- (Report issues)
  63. Cockroachdb -- (Report issues)
  64. Code Server -- (Report issues)
  65. Code-Server {Shmolf} -- (Report issues)
  66. Codex -- (Report issues)
  67. Codiad -- (Report issues)
  68. Commandbox -- (Report issues)
  69. Contentbox -- (Report issues)
  70. Cops -- (Report issues)
  71. Couchpotato -- (Report issues)
  72. Cratedb -- (Report issues)
  73. Cryptofolio -- (Report issues)
  74. Cura -- (Report issues)
  75. Daapd -- (Report issues)
  76. Darktable -- (Report issues)
  77. Dashdot -- (Report issues)
  78. Dashmachine -- (Report issues)
  79. Dashy -- (Report issues)
  80. Datadog Agent -- (Report issues)
  81. Davinci Postgres Server -- (Report issues)
  82. Davos -- (Report issues)
  83. Ddclient -- (Report issues)
  84. Deemix -- (Report issues)
  85. Deluge -- (Report issues)
  86. Deluge Openvpn -- (Report issues)
  87. Digikam -- (Report issues)
  88. Diskover -- (Report issues)
  89. Docker Container Stats -- (Report issues)
  90. Dockge -- (Report issues)
  91. Documize -- (Report issues)
  92. Dokemon -- (Report issues)
  93. Dokku -- (Report issues)
  94. Dokuwiki -- (Report issues)
  95. Domoticz -- (Report issues)
  96. Doplarr -- (Report issues)
  97. Doublecommander -- (Report issues)
  98. Dozzle -- (Report issues)
  99. Dradis -- (Report issues)
  100. Draw.Io -- (Report issues)
  101. Droppy -- (Report issues)
  102. Drupal -- (Report issues)
  103. Duck Dns -- (Report issues)
  104. Duplicacy -- (Report issues)
  105. Duplicati -- (Report issues)
  106. Eclipse Mosquitto Mqtt -- (Report issues)
  107. Edgeconnector 840D -- (Report issues)
  108. Edgeconnector Aggregator -- (Report issues)
  109. Edgeconnector Fanuc Cnc -- (Report issues)
  110. Edgeconnector Modbus -- (Report issues)
  111. Edgeconnector Siemens -- (Report issues)
  112. Elasticsearch -- (Report issues)
  113. Emby -- (Report issues)
  114. Embystat -- (Report issues)
  115. Emulatorjs -- (Report issues)
  116. Endlessh -- (Report issues)
  117. Eufy Security Ws -- (Report issues)
  118. Excalidraw -- (Report issues)
  119. Fail2Ban -- (Report issues)
  120. Faster-Whisper -- (Report issues)
  121. Fdo -- (Report issues)
  122. Feed2Toot -- (Report issues)
  123. Feedcord -- (Report issues)
  124. Fenrus -- (Report issues)
  125. Ferdi Server -- (Report issues)
  126. Ferdium -- (Report issues)
  127. Fetchcord -- (Report issues)
  128. Ffmpeg -- (Report issues)
  129. Filebrowser -- (Report issues)
  130. Filebrowser Latest -- (Report issues)
  131. Filebrowser S6 -- (Report issues)
  132. Filepizza -- (Report issues)
  133. Filerun -- (Report issues)
  134. Filestash -- (Report issues)
  135. Filezilla -- (Report issues)
  136. Firefox -- (Report issues)
  137. Fireshare -- (Report issues)
  138. Flame -- (Report issues)
  139. Flame-Dashboard -- (Report issues)
  140. Flaresolverr -- (Report issues)
  141. Fleet -- (Report issues)
  142. Flexget -- (Report issues)
  143. Floating License Server -- (Report issues)
  144. Flood -- (Report issues)
  145. Flowiseai -- (Report issues)
  146. Foldingathome -- (Report issues)
  147. Foundryvtt Server -- (Report issues)
  148. Freeboard -- (Report issues)
  149. Freecad -- (Report issues)
  150. Freescout -- (Report issues)
  151. Freetube -- (Report issues)
  152. Freshrss -- (Report issues)
  153. Frigate Nvr -- (Report issues)
  154. Funkwhale -- (Report issues)
  155. Fusion -- (Report issues)
  156. Gaps -- (Report issues)
  157. Gathio -- (Report issues)
  158. Gazee -- (Report issues)
  159. Ghost -- (Report issues)
  160. Ghostfolio -- (Report issues)
  161. Gimp -- (Report issues)
  162. Gitea -- (Report issues)
  163. Github-Desktop -- (Report issues)