Rialto is Gumstix' custom Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. It is responsible for automating all inventory, logistics, and accounting functions of the company.
Clone this repository to your system. (Make sure the URL below is up-to-date!)
$ git clone git@bitbucket.org:gumstix/rialto.git
Rialto uses Fabric to automate the installation procedure, so install Fabric if you haven't already. For example:
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip $ sudo pip install Fabric
Fabric works by SSHing into the machine it is going to set up; if you're installing Rialto locally, make sure you can SSH from your machine back into itself:
$ ssh localhost
You also need to install Fabtools, which is our repository of shared custom libraries for Fabric. Many of our projects' fabfiles depend on Fabtools.
Create a copy of
and fill in any required configuration variables. -
fab -l
to see what tasks are available. -
To set up a local instance, run
fab localhost setup
. -
Get a database dump file from your manager and load it when
prompts you to do so. If you skipped this step during setup, you can run it any time using thedb_load
task, like so:$ fab localhost db_load:path/to/rialto.dmp
After setup is complete, add rialto.mystix.com
and access rialto.mystix.com in your browser to run Rialto locally.