Meet a new and elegant way of managing your GET queries components (strongly typed) by combining TanStack Query and Legend State with 4 possible states:
enforcing the good pattern of handling errors and empty placeholders smoothly, with a flat linear structure.
is generic and can be used with any type of data. Here, the type is inferred from the queryFn
return type.
const Component = () => {
const {layout} = useQueryLayout({
queryKey: ['getPosts'],
queryFn: () => api.get<Post[]>(`/posts`).then(res =>,
loadingLayout: <Placeholder />,
hydratedLayout: posts => <PostList posts={posts} />,
return <Body layout={layout} />
Cherry on the cake: loadingLayout, errorLayout and emptyLayout are optional and can be omitted: some default are implemented already for you.
Here are all the options you can pass to customize the hook useQueryLayout
const Component = () => {
const {layout} = useQueryLayout({
queryKey: string[], // `Query` is an array of string,
queryFn: () => (...), // your fetcher function
hydratedLayout: data => (...), // your layout to render data or data list
enabled?: boolean, // optional, default true
loadingLayout?: ReactNode | ReactNode[], // optional, default provided
errorLayout?: ReactNode | ReactNode[], // optional, default provided
emptyLayout?: ReactNode | ReactNode[], // optional, default provided
errorLayoutIcon?: IconType, // optional, default provided from react-icons
errorLayoutMessage?: string, // optional, default provided
emptyLayoutIcon?: IconType, // optional, default provided from react-icons
emptyLayoutMessage?: string, // optional, default provided
iconSize?: number, // optional, default 128, default layout icon size
/* This self actualize to show:
- ComponentState.Loading
- ComponentState.Error
- ComponentState.Empty
- or ComponentState.Hydrated
return layout
There is a second hook drop in replacement useObservableQueryLayout
that can be used with Legend State to manage your state. It allows you to use the power of For in legend state for example.
const Component = () => {
const {layout} = useObservableQueryLayout({
queryKey: ['getPosts'],
queryFn: () => api.get<Post[]>(`/posts`).then(res =>,
loadingLayout: <Placeholder />,
hydratedLayout: posts => (
<SimpleGrid columns={2} spacing={5}>
<For each={posts} optimized> // Using legend state rocks
{item => <PostItem post={item.get()!} />}
return layout