- Twig components and templates
- Living styleguide
- JS unit testing with Jest
- Grid / Layout system
- Variables and breakpoints
- PostCSS
- Critical CSS
- JS Code splitting
- Asset cache busting
- Helpers
- Install starter plugins with composer (Contact field 7, Advanced custom fields, Timber, Super pwa)
Clone this repo inside of a fresh WP installation
|-- wp-admin
|-- wp-content
|-- wp-includes
|-- wp-cba-boilerplate +
|--|--locastic-boilerplate +
|--|--composer.json +
|--|--composer.json.lock +
You can rename the boilerplate folder and place it inside of your themes folder Composer.json should be moved to the root of your WP installation
|-- wp-admin
|-- wp-content
|--locastic-boilerplate -> your-project-name
|-- wp-includes
Install starter plugins with composer (Contact field 7, Advanced custom fields, Timber, Super pwa)
from root:
composer install
Move inside the theme folder
and build the assets
npm run dev <- for development
npm run build <- for production
You can update the theme name inside the styles.css file at the root of the theme. Open up your admin panal and activate both your new theme and the required plugins
Your theme should be up and running!
Templating is organized in 4 different types of twig templates
Views represent main page templates e.g. 'single.twig' or 'page.twig'
Layouts abstract common layout patterns that can be reused in different views
Partials include global head and foot templates
Components are the basic building blocks of your website
Styling is written with .sss and processed with postCSS
To see and modify the used postCSS plugins open up the postcss.config.json file from inside the root of the theme
Global styles are located inside the styles folder
They include the following files:
index.sss is used to import all of the style files inside the project
vars.sss defines the variables for the colors, typography, grid sizes and breakpoints
fonts.sss is used to load any needed web fonts for the project
core.sss contains basic global styles and utillity classes
pattern-lab.sss contains styles applied only inside the pattern-lab styleguide
Components are named using the BEM convention and saved inside the components folder alognside their corresponding .twig template file
Layout helpers are prefixed with 'l-' and saved inside the layouts folder alognside their corresponding .twig template file
The default grid system is defined as:
// - Full
$site-width: 1200px
$number-of-cols: 12
$gutter: 20px
$outer-gutter: 20px
$gutters: $number-of-cols * $gutter
$col: calc(($site-width - $gutters) / $number-of-cols)
// - Responsive
$r-col: calc((100vw - $gutters - 2 * $outer-gutter) / $number-of-cols)
// - Mobile
$m-number-of-cols: 4
$m-gutter: 20px
$m-outer-gutter: 30px
$m-gutters: $m-number-of-cols * $m-gutter
$m-col: calc((100vw - $m-gutters - 2 * $m-outer-gutter) / $m-number-of-cols)
Number of cols, size of the gutters, and the maximal width of the site can be changed and the $col values will get calculated.
Here is an example of using $col and $gutter sizes to define sizes and margins of a layout template
display: flex
flex-wrap: wrap
flex: 1
max-width: calc(2 * $col + $gutter)
max-width: calc(2 * $r-col + $gutter)
min-width: 100%
flex: 1
margin-left: calc($col + 2 * $gutter)
margin-left: calc($r-col + 2 * $gutter)
margin-left: 0
Separate scripts can be added as an entry inside the webpack.config.js file
module.exports = {
entry: {
index: './scripts/index.js',
componentScript: './components/component-name/componentScript.js',
and attached to any twig template by using:
{{ fn("addScript", "componentScript") }}
If the above code is added to a component and runs multiple times on the same page, the required script will be loaded only once.
All of the themes templates are automatically synced to Pattern lab.
You can generate and serve your styleguide with the following commands from inside the pattern-lab folder
composer install
php core/console --generate
php core/console --watch
php core/console --server
Save your Jest files as scriptName.test.js next to the file being tested and then run:
npm test
Gemini visual regression testing coming soon
- Helper classes for using the grid from within twig files
- Contact form 7 extensions for prebuilt real time validation and base styles
- Visual regression testing
- Demo styleguide - typohgraphy
- Styleguide - sync media queries
- Example custom post types
- Linting
- Progressive css rendering and code splitting
- Swup.js page transitions