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Azure AD Application Management

Build status Quality Gate Status

Azure AD Application Management with Azure DevOps pipeline tasks. These Azure DevOps tasks are created with and tested on Hosted windows-latest agents.

This Azure DevOps extension contains the following tasks:

  • Get Azure AD Application
  • Set Azure AD Application (recommended)
  • Update Azure AD Application
  • Remove Azure AD Application

In order to use these tasks, follow the prerequisite steps in the Get Started section.

Get Started

In order to use these tasks, a prerequisite must be done otherwise you will get an unauthorized error. Follow the steps below to fix the permission issue:

  1. Create an Azure Resource Manager endpoint in your Azure DevOps team project manually or let Azure DevOps create one for you.

  2. Go to the Azure portal

  3. In the Azure portal, navigate to App Registrations

  4. Select the created app registration. If you can't find it, you probably don't have the right permissions. You can still find the app registration by changing the tab to All applications.

  5. Check the Owners of the selected app registration (application). If your not an owner, find an owner or a Global Administrator (you will need a Global Admin in the next steps).

  6. Set the API Permissions at least with the following permissions below depending on the task versions you use.

    V4 extension tasks (Preview)


    Alter you manifest manually by adding the following permissions below. They stand for Microsoft Graph (00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000) with the application permissions Manage apps that this app creates or owns (Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy) and Read directory data (Directory. Read.All). When you save this, this will result in the following array in the manifest:

    "requiredResourceAccess": [
        "resourceAppId": "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000",
        "resourceAccess": [
            "id": "7ab1d382-f21e-4acd-a863-ba3e13f7da61",
            "type": "Role"
            "id": "18a4783c-866b-4cc7-a460-3d5e5662c884",
            "type": "Role"

    V3 extension tasks


    Alter you manifest manually by adding the following permissions below. They stand for Azure Active Directory Graph (00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000) and Microsoft Graph (00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000) with the application permissions Manage apps that this app creates or owns (Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy) and Read directory data (Directory. Read.All). When you save this, this will result in the following array in the manifest:

    "requiredResourceAccess": [
        "resourceAppId": "00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000",
        "resourceAccess": [
            "id": "824c81eb-e3f8-4ee6-8f6d-de7f50d565b7",
            "type": "Role"
            "id": "5778995a-e1bf-45b8-affa-663a9f3f4d04",
            "type": "Role"
        "resourceAppId": "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000",
        "resourceAccess": [
            "id": "7ab1d382-f21e-4acd-a863-ba3e13f7da61",
            "type": "Role"
            "id": "18a4783c-866b-4cc7-a460-3d5e5662c884",
            "type": "Role"
  7. Very important Request an Azure Global Administrator to hit the button Grant admin consent for {your company} in the API permissions view. This only has to be done once.

  8. Use any task of this extension.

Release notes



  • Update Az module to version 6.5.0 (hosted agent pull request is made)
  • Fix issue #63 of new identifier uri validation rules


  • Delete v2 tasks from extension
  • Update all NPM dependencies
  • Update PowerShell Az Module to version 6.4.0 (latest and same as hosted agent)
  • Update PowerShell AzureAD Module to version (latest)
  • Update readme with 'Contribute' section


  • Mark v2 tasks as deprecated


  • Migrated (were possible) to the new Az Modules
  • Remove AzureRm modules everywere
  • Manage AppRoles in the 'Set' task
  • Manage 'User assignment required?' in the 'Set' task
  • New 'Update' task that will only update the values that are given and will skip the rest
  • No 'New' task for v3. Can be done with the 'Set' task (was already recommended way)
  • Update documentation
  • Deprecate all v2 tasks
  • Don't set default Reply url when creating new application (not mandatory anymore by Microsoft)
  • Don't make homepage mandatory anymore (not mandatory anymore by Microsoft)
  • Change IdentifierUri to the new default format of Microsoft: api://{ApplicationId} (Argument in PowerShell is still mandatory)


How can I manage an already created AD Application

Set the owner of the AD Application to the AD Application that you use in the Azure Resource Manager Endpoint.

How can I set an AD Application as owner of an AD Application

In order to set an AD Application as an owner, you will need to get the underlying Service Principal. You can use the following script to get the Service Principal and to set it as owner.

# Login with permissions to change applications
# Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Application.ReadWrite.All"

$servicePrincipalObjectIdOfTheNewOwner =  'Your service connection service principal object id here'
$applicationObjectIdsToAddOwnerTo =       $('A', 'B', 'C', '...')
$servicePrincipalObjectIdsToAddOwnerTo =  $('A', 'B', 'C', '...')

# Get the information of the new owner
$newOwnerObject = Get-MgServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalId $servicePrincipalObjectIdOfTheNewOwner
Write-Host "New owner service principal information: Name $($newOwnerObject.DisplayName), Id $($newOwnerObject.Id)"

$newOwner = @{
  ""= "$($newOwnerObject.Id)"

# Add owner to applications
foreach ($applicationObjectIdToAddOwnerTo in $applicationObjectIdsToAddOwnerTo) {
  $application = Get-MgApplication -ApplicationId $applicationObjectIdToAddOwnerTo
  Write-Host "Receiving owner application information: Name $($application.DisplayName), Id $($application.Id)"

  $currentMembers = Get-MgApplicationOwner -ApplicationId $applicationObjectIdToAddOwnerTo

  if($currentMembers.Id -NotContains $servicePrincipalObjectIdOfTheNewOwner){ 
    New-MgApplicationOwnerByRef -ApplicationId $applicationObjectIdToAddOwnerTo -BodyParameter $newOwner
    Write-Host "$($servicePrincipalObjectIdOfTheNewOwner) added as owner"
  } else {
    Write-Host "$($servicePrincipalObjectIdOfTheNewOwner) already owner"

# Add owner to service principals
foreach ($servicePrincipalObjectIdToAddOwnerTo in $servicePrincipalObjectIdsToAddOwnerTo) {
  $servicePrincipal = Get-MgServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalId $servicePrincipalObjectIdToAddOwnerTo
  Write-Host "Receiving owner service principal: Name $($servicePrincipal.DisplayName), Id $($servicePrincipal.Id)"

  $currentMembers = Get-MgServicePrincipalOwner -ServicePrincipalId $servicePrincipalObjectIdToAddOwnerTo 

  if($currentMembers.Id -NotContains $servicePrincipalObjectIdOfTheNewOwner){ 
    New-MgServicePrincipalOwnerByRef -ServicePrincipalId $servicePrincipalObjectIdToAddOwnerTo -BodyParameter $newOwner
    Write-Host "$($servicePrincipalObjectIdOfTheNewOwner) added as owner"
  } else {
    Write-Host "$($servicePrincipalObjectIdOfTheNewOwner) already owner"

How can I use Azure Pipelines and YAML for these tasks

See the Samples folder for a generic setup to use Azure Pipelines multi stage pipeline for build and release.



  1. Clone repository
  2. Install gulp with npm install gulp -g
  3. Navigate to folder Vsts-Extension in PowerShell version of your choice 5.1 (old PowerShell module is still being used)
  4. Install npm packages with npm install
  5. Install PowerShell Module Az (All AzureRm modules should be removed from your system as stated in the Az documentation) in PowerShell 5.1 (old PowerShell module is still being used)
  6. Install PowerShell Module AzureAD in PowerShell 5.1 (old PowerShell module is still being used)
  7. Optional: Install Pester for running PowerShell test scripts with Install-Module -Name Pester -Force -SkipPublisherCheck in PowerShell 5.1 (old PowerShell module is still being used)


  1. Navigate to folder Vsts-Extension in PowerShell version of your choice
  2. Run gulp with following commands:
    • gulp build Build all tasks and set the dependencies in the tasks
    • gulp clean Clean all tasks
    • gulp reset First does a clean and then a build
    • gulp build/clean/reset:taskname in example gulp build:GetAdApplication for only building the GetAdApplication task


  1. Navigate in PowerShell 5.1 (old PowerShell module is still being used) to ./scripts/ManageAadApplications/v3
  2. Login into the Az and AzureAD PowerShell module with the commands Connect-AzAccount and Connect-AzureAD. Login with a test user that doesn't have a Global Administrator role. If you use a Global admin, the owner won't be set and some tests will fail.
  3. Run pester tests for the ManageAadApplications PowerShell Module. Use for this the *.Tests.ps1 files in the ManageAadApplications folder. See comment at the top of the screen. In example Invoke-Pester -Output Detailed .\Get-AadApplication.Tests.ps1